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    The Hidden Persuaders

    Beschreibung The Hidden Persuaders. "One of the best books around for demystifying the deliberately mysterious arts of advertising."--Salon"Fascinating, entertaining and thought-stimulating."--The New York Times Book Review"A brisk, authoritative and frightening report on how manufacturers, fundraisers and politicians are attempting to turn the American mind into a kind of catatonic dough that will buy, give or vote at their command--The New YorkerOriginally published in 1957 and now back in print to celebrate its fiftieth anniversary, The Hidden Persuaders is Vance Packard’s pioneering and prescient work revealing how advertisers use psychological methods to tap into our unconscious desires in order to "persuade" us to buy the products they are selling.A classic examination of how our thoughts and feelings are manipulated by business, media and politicians, The Hidden Persuaders was the first book to expose the hidden world of “motivation research,” the psychological technique that advertisers use to probe our minds in order to control our actions as consumers. Through analysis of products, political campaigns and television programs of the 1950s, Packard shows how the insidious manipulation practices that have come to dominate today’s corporate-driven world began. Featuring an introduction by Mark Crispin Miller, The Hidden Persuaders has sold over one million copies, and forever changed the way we look at the world of advertising.Vance Packard (1914-1996) was an American journalist, social critic, and best-selling author. Among his other books were The Status Seekers, which described American social stratification and behavior, The Waste Makers, which criticizes planned obsolescence, and The Naked Society, about the threats to privacy posed by new technologies.

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    The Hidden Persuaders - Vance Packard - Download Free ebook ~ A classic examination of how our thoughts and feelings are manipulated by business, media and politicians, The Hidden Persuaders was the first book to expose the hidden world of “motivation research,” the psychological technique that advertisers use to probe our minds in order to control our actions as consumers. Through analysis of products, political campaigns and television programs of the 1950s, Packard shows how the insidious manipulation practices that have come to dominate today .

    The Hidden Persuaders - Vance Packard - Download Free ebook ~ Download The Hidden Persuaders – Vance Packard. ebook “One of the best books around for demystifying the deliberately mysterious arts of advertising.”–Salon “Fascinating, entertaining and thought-stimulating.”–The New York Times Book Review “A brisk, authoritative and frightening report on how manufacturers, fundraisers and politicians are attempting to turn the American mind .

    The Hidden Persuaders: : Packard, Vance, Miller ~ A classic examination of how our thoughts and feelings are manipulated by business, media and politicians, The Hidden Persuaders was the first book to expose the hidden world of “motivation research,” the psychological technique that advertisers use to probe our minds in order to control our actions as consumers. Through analysis of products, political campaigns and television programs of the 1950s, Packard shows how the insidious manipulation practices that have come to dominate today .

    The Hidden Persuaders eBook: Packard, Vance, Miller, Mark ~ A classic examination of how our thoughts and feelings are manipulated by business, media and politicians, The Hidden Persuaders was the first book to expose the hidden world of “motivation research,” the psychological technique that advertisers use to probe our minds in order to control our actions as consumers. Through analysis of products, political campaigns and television programs of the 1950s, Packard shows how the insidious manipulation practices that have come to dominate today .

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    The Hidden Persuaders (Dan Kotler): Tumlinson, Kevin ~ I was very curious to read The Hidden Persuaders (Dan Kotler #9) by Kevin Tumlinson since I read the original Hidden Persuaders book in the 1950s. Tumlinson, one of my top favorite authors, is true to the 1950s book by blending the subject of Vance Packard's book into his stunning Dan Kotler series Book #9. While in the 1950s the hidden persuaders were largely found in advertising, Tumlinson's .

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    Die geheimen VerfĂŒhrer – Wikipedia ~ Die geheimen VerfĂŒhrer ist ein Sachbuch zum Thema Werbung, das der US-amerikanische Konsumkritiker Vance Packard (1914–1996) im Jahr 1957 unter dem englischen Originaltitel „The Hidden Persuaders“ veröffentlichte.. Inhalt. Der Untertitel „Der Griff nach dem Unterbewussten in jedermann“ weist auf Packards Hauptanliegen, die so genannte Motivforschung hin.

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    Vance Packard – Wikipedia ~ Vance Packard (* 22.Mai 1914 in Granville Summit, Pennsylvania, USA; † 12. Dezember 1996 auf Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts) war ein US-amerikanischer Publizist.. Packard veröffentlichte tierpsychologische Studien und soziologische Essays, wurde aber bekannt vor allem durch populĂ€rwissenschaftliche, sozialkritische BĂŒcher.Sein grĂ¶ĂŸter Erfolg war 1957 Die geheimen VerfĂŒhrer (The .

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