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    Strategic Marketing Management: The Framework

    Beschreibung Strategic Marketing Management: The Framework. An abridged version of Strategic Marketing Management (3rd Edition), this book offers a framework for strategic marketing planning and outlines a structured approach to identifying, understanding, and solving marketing problems.

    Buch Strategic Marketing Management: The Framework PDF ePub

    STRATEGIC MARKETING MGMT 7/E - Chernev, Alexander, Kotler ~ Strategic Marketing Management (7th edition) offers a comprehensive framework for strategic planning and outlines a structured approach to identifying, understanding, and solving marketing problems. For business students, the theory advanced in this book is an essential tool for understanding the logic and the key aspects of the marketing process. For managers and consultants, this book .

    : Strategic Marketing Management - The Framework ~ Strategic Marketing Management: The Framework delineates the fundamentals of marketing strategy, offers a systematic approach to marketing management, and presents a value-based framework for developing viable market offerings. The theory presented stems from the view of marketing as a value-creation process that is central to any business enterprise. In addition to theory, this book offers a set of practical tools that enable managers to apply the knowledge contained in the generalized .

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    Strategic marketing management - SlideShare ~ Strategic marketing management 1. STRATEGIC MARKETING MANAGEMENT MKTM 3161 ECTS-6 2. CHAPTER ONE Introduction to Strategic Marketing Learning Objective After completing this chapter, the student will be able to: Describe the Nature and scope of strategy Examines historical evolution of strategic management, Identify and explain the marked differences between strategic planning and marketing .

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