Beschreibung Fame 101: Powerful Personal Branding & Publicity for Amazing Success. Fame is America's most powerful force and anyone can harness it with compelling personal branding. Fame 101 is the playbook for remarkable professional success. The rewards are wealth, power, access, recognition, and other tools for an extraordinary life.Every profession has its super successful celebrities and Fame 101 shows the reader exactly how to become one of them. These are the lawyers who attract high-value clients, doctors who are high visibility media magnets, winning candidates, startup gurus, high-trajectory actors, best selling authors, and others in newly celebrified fields.Meet cooks who brand themselves into celebrity chef'dom with television shows and big book deals, political unknowns who explode onto the national stage, authors who brand a path from the kitchen table to best seller lists and movie deals, and other everyday people who join society's elite.Personal branding pioneers Jay Jessup and Maggie Jessup take the reader backstage through Fame's history from the early Hollywood star-making machine through to today's Internet celebrities. They demonstrate that the successes of JFK, Mother Theresa, Martha Stewart, President Obama, Rachel Ray, and the leading voice of every profession are all created with the very same strategy - the Fame Formula.Fame 101 is a comprehensive guide to creating a very visible powerful personal brand with messaging, image, presence, book deals, strategic websites, social media, speaking engagements, articles, publicity, and other platform elements used by the power elite.It is empowering to walk into a room full of strangers where everyone already knows who you are and they are excited about meeting you. Professional fame gives you that; in every room - every time. Fame separates you from the crowd - you become a celebrity in your field; it lets you live and work in a place of power.Fame 101 is the ultimate guide to personal branding, publicity, professional celebrity, and the other components of Fame for anyone wanting to increase their visibility, capture the power of a compelling personal brand, and monetize the results.
Fame 101: Powerful Personal Branding & Publicity for ~ Fame 101: Powerful Personal Branding & Publicity for Amazing Success / Jay M. Jessup, Maggie L. Jessup / ISBN: 9780981988832 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Fame 101 - Powerful Personal Branding & Publicity: Jay ~ Fame is America's most powerful force and anyone can harness it with compelling personal branding. Fame 101 is the playbook for remarkable professional success. The rewards are wealth, power, access, recognition, and other tools for an extraordinary life.Every profession has its super successful celebrities and Fame 101 shows the reader exactly how to become one of them. These are the lawyers .
Fame 101: Powerful Personal Branding & Publicity for ~ (Fame 101: Powerful Personal Branding & Publicity for Amazing Success) By Jessup, Jay (Author) Paperback on (01, 2010) / Jay Jessup / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Fame 101: Powerful Personal Branding & Publicity for ~ Fame 101: Powerful Personal Branding & Publicity for Amazing Success: : Jessup, Jay M., Jessup, Maggie L.: Libros en idiomas extranjeros
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