Beschreibung Virtually Perfect: Driving Innovative and Lean Products through Product Lifecycle Management. Virtually Perfect is the key to products being both innovative and lean in the 21st century. Virtual products, which are the digital information about the physical product, create value for both product producers and their customers throughout the entire product lifecycle of create, build, sustain, and dispose. Both product producers and users will need to change their perspective of products being only physical to a perspective of products being dual in nature: both physical and virtual. Dr. Michael Grieves, the pioneer and internationally recognized thought leader in the field of PLM, extends the concepts of his first book, Product Lifecycle Management: Driving the Next Generation of Lean Thinking deeper into the realm of producing value for product producers and users alike. Dr. Grieves grounds his perspective of PLM with examples from leading organizations that include NASA, Boeing, Rolls-Royce, Apple, and Ford Motor Company who have adopted and implemented his PLM concepts and approaches. The substantial benefit that these organizations have gotten for themselves, their customers, and their stakeholders sets them apart from their competitors. Organizations that strive for the same success will need to understand not only the technology, but also more importantly the people, processes, practices, and cultural changes that will need to drive both innovation and efficiency in order to become Virtually Perfect. Dr. Grieves introduces and discusses innovative, new ideas in this book about products and their lifecycles that include: Information is a trade-off for wasted physical resources Organizations are not simply about processes, but engage in practices Thinking about products as both physical and virtual drives both productivity and innovation Supply Nets are for virtual products what supply chains are for physical products Quality is a holistic lifecycle attribute and not simply a manufacturing one The audience for this book is executives, managers, engineers, manufacturing and product support experts who engage with tangible products in any part of the product lifecycle. This book is also for professors and their students who are interested in preparing or participating in the 21st century workforce in engineering, manufacturing, product support, and product disposal.
Virtually Perfect: Driving Innovative and Lean Products ~ Virtually Perfect is the key to products being both innovative and lean in the 21st century. Virtual products, which are the digital information about the physical product, create value for both product producers and their customers throughout the entire product lifecycle of create, build, sustain, and dispose.
Virtually Perfect: Driving Innovative and Lean Products ~ Virtually Perfect is the key to products being both innovative and lean in the 21st century. Virtual products, which are the digital information about the physical product, create value for both .
Virtually Perfect: Driving Innovative and Lean Products ~ Virtually Perfect: Driving Innovative and Lean Products through Product Lifecycle Management - Kindle edition by Grieves, Michael. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Virtually Perfect: Driving Innovative and Lean Products through Product Lifecycle Management.
: Customer reviews: Virtually Perfect: Driving ~ Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Virtually Perfect: Driving Innovative and Lean Products through Product Lifecycle Management at . Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.
Product lifecycle management in design and engineering ~ Lean and collaborative product development are approaches increasingly adopted by the industry and seen as the core of product lifecycle management. These trends have created the need for new skilled professionals, and universities should adapt their curricula in response. There is an increased need for academia to work with industry in order to meet these challenges. This article reports on .
Digital Twins: Enabling Next-Gen Value Chains ~ It is based directly from the works of Dr. Michael Grieves and John Vickers in the book âVirtually Perfect: Driving Innovative and Lean Products through Product Lifecycle Managementâ (pg. 133). However, with emerging technologies such as IIoT, Big Data, edge computing, machine learning, and predictive analytics, the digital twin concept model can provide greater insights into âlive .
(PDF) Origins of the Digital Twin Concept ~ The concept was greatly expanded in Virtually Perfect: Driving Innovative . and Lean Products through Product Lifecycle Management (Grieves 2011), where the concept was still referred to as the .
Digital Twin: Mitigating Unpredictable, Undesirable ~ The concept was greatly expanded in Virtually Perfect: Driving Innovative and Lean Products through Product Lifecycle Management , where the concept was still referred to as the Information Mirroring Model. However, it is here that the term, Digital Twin, was attached to this concept by reference to the co-authorâs way of describing this model. Given the descriptiveness of the phrase .
A Simulation Algorithm of a Digital Twin for Manual ~ Virtually perfect: Driving innovative and lean products through product lifecycle management. Space Coast Press. [16] Schluse, M., & Rossmann, J. (2016, October). From simulation to experimentable digital twins: Simulation-based development and operation of complex technical systems. In 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. [17] Kraft, E. M. (2016 .
Sherrie Atkins ~ Virtually Perfect: Driving Innovative and Lean Products through Product Lifecycle Management; What's A Housekeeper to Do?: Harlequin comics; Which Way to the Manor? Yukari Ito; Report Abuse About Me. Mamie Hull View my complete profile. Featured Post â Read Free The DJ Cookbook Business StartUp Guide Dan Titus Dave Kreiner 0752187430551 Books. The DJ Cookbook Business StartUp Guide Dan .
Free Product Management Templates Smartsheet ~ A product manager is often considered the âCEOâ of a given product because the role involves managing product vision - everything from high-level strategy through development and release. Product managers must work closely with stakeholders - which may include customers as well as various internal teams - to ensure buy-in, manage expectations and priorities, and drive development. The .
Construction Management Software / Autodesk BIM 360 ~ Project lifecycle management Go from design to construction all within one platform. Controlled worksharing enables multidisciplinary teams to co-author shared Revit models, visualize every update, and manage design data throughout the project lifecycle. Design Collaboration. Coordination. Constructability. Quality Management. View more BIM 360 solutions . Innovation Increase predictability .
Introduction to Design for Manufacturing & Assembly ~ minimize product cost through design and process improvements. Objectives Participants will understand: âDifferences and Similarities between Design for Manufacturing and Design for Assembly âDescribe how product design has a primary influence âBasic criteria for Part Minimization âQuantitative analysis of a designâs efficiency âCritique product designs for ease of assembly âThe .
Production process stability â core assumption of INDUSTRY ~ Through this phenomenon of stabilisation, they will achieve positive digital management of both processes and continuously throughput. There is required structural stability of horizontal (business) and vertical (digitized) manufacturing processes, supported through digitalised technologies of INDUSTRY 4.0 concept. Results presented in this paper based on the research results and survey .
Lean Methodology / Planview ~ Rachaelle Lynn, a Certified SAFe Agilist, is a marketing manager and subject matter expert at Planview, a market-leading provider of project portfolio management, lean and agile delivery, project management, and innovation management software. Her experience in diverse B2B and B2C industries continue to drive her interest in the SaaS customer journey. Rachaelle holds a BA in Communication .
Product Management Training - Product Manager Courses ~ In this course youâll learn how to manage products through every phase of the Product Lifecycle to make them more successful. The self-study online course includes 18 learning modules, quizzes, interactive exercises, study materials and a comprehensive practice exam to help you learn, review and retain the material. Once you have completed the self-study online course and exam preparation .
OA_Deuter_1_2019 / INDUSTRIE-MANAGEMENT ~ Damit war das virtuelle Abbild eines physischen Produkts in PLM-Systemen gemeint (PLM - Product Lifecycle Management) [9]. PopulĂ€r wurde der Begriff allerdings erst mit dem Aufkommen der Idee von Industrie 4.0 und als Firmen begannen, den digitalen Zwilling fĂŒr das eigene Marketing zu nutzen, wie zum Beispiel in [10]. Seitdem sind zahlreiche Definitionen entstanden, wie die folgende Auswahl .
Unified modeling for digital twin of a knowledge-based ~ The concept of DT can date back to Grieves's presentation about Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) in 2003 , and it becomes more mature and specific until 2011. Gartner continuously lists DT as the current top strategic technology development direction in 2016, 2017, and 2018. DT is defined as a digital replica of a system and maintained as a virtual equivalent throughout the physical product .
What is product management? / Atlassian Agile Coach ~ In some cases, product management for one product, or family of products, is handled by a single Product Manager. This individual must represent a deep proficiency in at least one of the areas that touch product management, and a passion for or fluency in the others. This most often manifests itself in one of two cases: an experienced business marketer with a passion for outstanding user .
Why Companies Must Align Innovation Strategy With Business ~ I have written three books: Pirates In The Navy, The Corporate Startup and The Lean Product Lifecycle. The Corporate Startup was awarded the 2018 Management Book of the Year Award for Innovation .
Digital twin-based smart production management and control ~ Digital twin technology is considered as a key technology to realize cyber-physical systems (CPS). However, due to the complexity of building a digital equivalent in virtual space to its physical counterpart, very little progress has been achieved in digital twin application, especially in the complex product assembly shop-floor. In this paper, we propose a framework of digital twin-based .
What is lean manufacturing? ~ Lean manufacturing, also known as lean production, or lean, is a practice that organizations from numerous fields can enable. Some well-known companies that use lean include Toyota, Intel, John Deere and Nike. The approach is based on the Toyota Production System and is still used by that company, as well as myriad others. Companies that use enterprise resource planning
Customer Relationship Management (CRM): A Technology ~ together customer lifecycle management, business process and technology. The trend for companies to shift from a product focused view of the world to a customer focused one is the modern strategy of the business, as products become increasingly hard to differentiate in fiercely competitive markets. It stands to reason that the better one understands customers, the more successful the company .
Product and Solution Management - Scaled Agile Framework ~ Product Management is responsible for defining and supporting the building of desirable, feasible, viable, and sustainable products that meet customer needs over the product-market lifecycle. To do this, they collaborate with a wide range of people to identify and define customer needs, understand the Solution Context, and develop the Program Vision, Roadmap, and Features required to meet .
100 Great Supply Chain Projects / Supply and Demand Chain ~ Implement a tool to help determine what products to order, when, and in what quantities so Goya would have the right products at the right place at the right time, and to enable the company to bring on shorter shelf-life items and better manage them. Primary goal: Improve service levels (reduce out of stocks) to 98 %. Secondary goal: Reduce inventory levels. Also, make the process of .