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    Making Them Believe: How One of America's Legendary Rogues Marketed ''The Goat Testicles Solution'' and Made Millions

    Beschreibung Making Them Believe: How One of America's Legendary Rogues Marketed ''The Goat Testicles Solution'' and Made Millions. DR. JOHN BRINKLEY was, at one time, the wealthiest doctor of his time, undeniably the most Barnum-esque promoter in medicine in his time, vilified and prosecuted as a quack, praised as saint by the amazing number of men who flocked to him for his 'fountain of youth'---and by their wives. This book delves deeply into his TWENTY-ONE MARKETING PRINCIPLES, to provide a blueprint for adventurous advertising, marketing, promotion and personal promotion that can install a 'fountain of profits' in just about any business! IF YOUD LIKE TO---AND WOULD PROFIT FROM---making yourself or your business famous and magnetically attractive, locally or globally, this in-depth analysis of The Lost Secrets behind this amazing success story are for you! IN THIS BOOK---DISCOVER… * Dynamic pathways to Maximum AUTHORITY---so that you are sought out and your 'prescriptions' accepted without question! * Two kinds of CLARITY essential for marketing success---missing from most businesses * THE question to ask yourself, that, when answered, dramatically multiplies the power of advertising and elevates you above all competition * The 3-Step Brinkley Blueprint for savvy use of media---the trap most businesspeople fall victim to * A most radical, revolutionary change to your entire approach to selling---why the sale delayed can be the sale more easily made! * The Brinkley Prescription for virtually unlimited PRICE ELASTICITY & the all-time, best-ever answer to any and every price objection * The Brinkley Secret to BEING ADMIRED---as means of attracting customers especially eager to do business with you INCLUDED: TRANSCRIPT of a Brinkley Radio Broadcast ...ARCHIVE EXAMPLES of actual Dr. Brinkley sales literature and sales copy from his advertising. PLUS, MONEYMAKING SECRETS & LESSONS FROM Napoleon Hill (author, Think and Grow Rich), Donald Trump, Martha Stewart, Dr. Atkins, Zig Ziglar , Dave Thomas (Wendys), and Avatar.

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    Making Them Believe: How One of America's Legendary Rogues ~ Making Them Believe: How One of America's Legendary Rogues Marketed ''The Goat Testicles Solution'' and Made Millions (English Edition) eBook: Kennedy, Dan S: : Kindle-Shop

    Making Them Believe How One Of Americas Legendary Rogues ~ Making Them Believe How One Of Americas Legendary Rogues Marketed The Goat Testicles Solution And Made Millions Author: zbes.wearabletec.co-2020-11-14T00:00:00+00:01 Subject: Making Them Believe How One Of Americas Legendary Rogues Marketed The Goat Testicles Solution And Made Millions Keywords

    Making Them Believe: How One of America's Legendary Rogues ~ Making Them Believe: How One of America's Legendary Rogues Marketed ''The Goat Testicles Solution'' and Made Millions / Kennedy, Dan S., Kessler, Chip / ISBN: 8601410285708 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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