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    Snapshot: Reading and Treating People Right the First Time

    Beschreibung Snapshot: Reading and Treating People Right the First Time. If you could profile anyone, anywhere, anytime... What would you do with that insight? Snapshot is the real story of how to profile anyone so you can treat people right the first time. So easy, even kids can do it! You'll learn to make snapshot reads using the Korem Profiling System® (KPS) developed by critically acclaimed investigative journalist, Dan Korem. The KPS enables you to immediately profile anyone and identify how people prefer to: Communicate, Perform Tasks, Make Decisions, and so much more.In many cases, you can make snapshot reads without asking any questions, and profile people you ve never met even if you can t speak their language.For years, people have asked Dan for a fast-track way to make reads without learning the entire system (published in his classic book, The Art of Profiling, Expanded 2nd Edition). Snapshot is profiling lite and answers that call.

    Buch Snapshot: Reading and Treating People Right the First Time PDF ePub

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