Beschreibung Unleash the Power of Storytelling: Win Hearts, Change Minds, Get Results. Unleash the Power of Storytelling offers a practical roadmap to crafting and delivering more powerful, persuasive stories that you can use to get more of what you want out of your career and your life.“In this engaging, no-nonsense, and often extremely funny handbook on the craft behind great stories, Rob Biesenbach shares his own storytelling roadmap without hesitation, giving you precisely what you need to raise your business storytelling to an art form."Shonali Burke, ABC, President & CEO, Shonali Burke Consulting"There is no greater skill that will positively impact your career as much as becoming a masterful storyteller. Well-told stories have the power to teach, clarify, and inspire. Rob's experience and unique point of view makes him a go-to authority for ambitious leaders."Patricia Fripp, Past President, National Speakers Association"All the experts suggest you tell stories — but no one tells you how. That's where Unleash the Power of Storytelling comes in. Rob Biesenbach provides a five-step process for crafting your stories, and six ways to ensure they’re relevant to your audience. After you read this book, you’ll never again have to wonder ... ‘but how?’"Gini Dietrich, Founder and Author, Spin SucksWHAT CAN STORYTELLING DO FOR YOU?Study after study confirms that stories have unparalleled power to break down walls, build trust, and influence people to act. More than facts and data alone, stories are fundamental to capturing and expressing our ideas, wishes, and beliefs … and getting the results we want.The right story can help you: nail a job, interview, earn a raise, close a sale, build trust with an employee or colleague, strengthen relationships with customers, become a more comfortable networker, win over a skeptic, rally a team, align people with a strategy, promote your brand, raise a toast, deliver a eulogy, get out of a speeding ticket, and more ...WHY THIS BOOK?The market is flooded with a dizzying array of books, experts, and resources on business storytelling. This book cuts through the hype to clarify and demystify the storytelling process.Unleash the Power of Storytelling offers step-by-step instructions for finding, shaping and telling powerful stories. You’ll learn about the essential ingredients that go into any good story and how to avoid common storytelling pitfalls.A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR THE BUSY PROFESSIONALTaking a fun, no-nonsense approach, Unleash the Power of Storytelling will teach you: the hard science behind why stories work, a simple three-part structure for telling any story, the role of emotion in fueling great stories, how to cut the clutter and focus your story on the essentials, how and where to find great stories, and tips for delivering your stories in the most effective way possible.The book also contains tons of practical examples showing you how to use stories in job interviews, presentations, customer calls, employee meetings — even how to craft the right story for a wedding toast or eulogy!
Unleash the Power of Storytelling: Win Hearts, Change ~ Unleash the Power of Storytelling: Win Hearts, Change Minds, Get Results / Biesenbach, Rob / ISBN: 9780991081424 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Unleash the power of storytelling: Build trust, win hearts ~ Unleash the power of storytelling: Build trust, win hearts and change minds. Tim Vaughan . There is nothing more engaging than a great story teller and Rob Biesenbach knows all about it, especially the invaluable role storytelling can play in the world of internal communications today. Rob is a communication professional, an actor and very much in-demand speaker, and last month we collaborated .
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Unleash the Power of Storytelling Win Hearts, Change Minds ~ Taking a fun, no-nonsense approach, Unleash the Power of Storytelling will teach you: the hard science behind why stories work, a simple three-part structure for telling any story, the role of emotion in fueling great stories, how to cut the clutter and focus your story on the essentials, how and where to find great stories, and tips for delivering your stories in the most effective way possible.
Unleash the Power of Storytelling - MyPRSA ~ Unleash the Power of Storytelling. . 2020 Unleash the Power of Storytelling: Win Hearts, Change Minds, Get Results November 10 & 17, 2020 Virtual Registration Dates. Registration Ends Tuesday, November 10, 2020 Download to Your Calendar ©2020 The Public Relations Society of America, Inc., 120 Wall Street, 21st Fl., New York, NY 10005-4024 .
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