Beschreibung Rule of 24: The Future of B2B Client Engagement. Time is running out.Massive change is upon us and business to business (B2B) sales organizations are breaking down. The old sales strategies aren't working like they used to--you used to know exactly how to be effective, but now you're not so sure. Competitors have raced ahead and there are only two options left: Embrace the change. Or ignore it and fall behind.Discover the new rules.Inside Rule of 24, authors Robert D. Riefstahl and Daniel J. Conway show you how to not only survive, but thrive and dominate selling software in the new digital landscape. The rules have changed --customers are more educated, resourceful and directive than at any other time in history. Future-proof yourself and your sales team, understand what's coming next and how to deal with it.Inside Rule of 24, you will learn: How to transform your sales process by utilizing the power of extreme personalization > What the Rule of 24 is, and how it changes the way you think about sellingHow to audit yourself, your industry and learn exactly what your customer is expecting from you How to become a master of all of your selling mediums and crush your competitionHow to build seamless client interactions that thrill B2B buyersWritten for companies who want to prosper and grow in the digital age, this book is your roadmap. After reading Rule of 24, you'll be riding atop the wave of imminent change, instead of helplessly swimming against it. Rule of 24 changes everything.
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