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    Confessions of a professional buyer: The secrets about selling and purchasing services

    Beschreibung Confessions of a professional buyer: The secrets about selling and purchasing services. This book is the first and only book on the market that explains how to sell services both to purchasers and to their internal clients- the budget holders. It is also a reference for purchasers who wish to learnhow to source services through the strategic sourcing process. The author, an expert in indirect procurement with more than 10 years of Professional experience will reveal hard-earned secrets to both sellers and purchasers. Sales professionals, who are willing to venture into the procurement world, will get an edge to allow them to deal more effectively with current and prospective customers. For example, this book covers:•How suppliers can manage to compete with competitors already in a relationship with their prospective clients.•How to influence the outcome of an RFP, without sacrificing too much profit.•How to leverage the procurement function and be the suppliers that receive new business with fewer RFPs to respond to.Purchasers that are new to acquiring services will understand the dynamics and processes associated with sourcing indirect categories. For example, this knowledge will allow understanding:•How purchasers can manage to get accepted by budget holders and improve sourcing coverage through value added services.•How buyers and suppliers can cope with internal resistance that often occurs when new suppliers are invited to compete in RFPs.•How collaboration between purchasers and suppliers can usually bring more value than the traditional procurement approach of focusing too much on price.For the cost of this book you will get a head start, receive valuable insights, and enter into successful negotiations much faster.

    Buch Confessions of a professional buyer: The secrets about selling and purchasing services PDF ePub

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