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    Fearless Facilitation: The Ultimate Field Guide to Engaging (and Involving!) Your Audience

    Beschreibung Fearless Facilitation: The Ultimate Field Guide to Engaging (and Involving!) Your Audience. As the workforce ages and younger trainers and managers emerge, facilitation skills take on a new importance and, with the increased use of social networks, new facilitation skills are needed. Written by two facilitation gurus, this book shows how to make any learning environment come alive. It outlines proven guidelines any trainer can use to unify groups, inspire creativity, and get audiences, teams, and colleagues to speak up, talk back, participate, and engage in meetings.

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    Maxey, Cyndi, and O'Connor, Kevin. Fearless Facilitation ~ Maxey, Cyndi, and O'Connor, Kevin. Fearless Facilitation : The Ultimate Field Guide to Engaging (and Involving!) Your Audience. Somerset, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons .

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