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    The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning: How to Turn Training and Development into Business Results

    Beschreibung The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning: How to Turn Training and Development into Business Results. Get real results for your business - maximize your training and development programs Corporate learning and development programs play an undeniable role in successful business endeavors, but only when they're done right. The significant revisions in the third edition of The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning add fresh, timely elements to a resource that has become known globally as a trusted guide for professionals determined to get the most of their companies' training and development programs. All-new examples, tools, guides, and insights combine to make an excellent, all-in-one resource for everyone from workplace professionals and HR managers to training development providers and businesses leaders looking to maximize the return on their enterprise's learning budget. Infused with current research and recent case studies, this resource serves as a practical guide that recommends concrete actions for producing tangible results. Tools, guides, and checklists in every chapter ensure that readers walk away with meaningful strategies that can be implemented right away. The book includes:* A complete review of research drawn from thousands of insights, goals, and lessons learned* Specific strategies and actions that can be put into effect quickly for immediate results* A focus on ROI for business leaders wanting to make a clearer connection between dollars spent and new skills gained* Checklists in each chapter to help learning organizations perform quality audits of new and existing learning programs The third edition of The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning contains so many new resources and so much thoroughly-revised content that even those who own previous editions will find its reinvigorated approach highly beneficial. Strengthen the link between your learning efforts and your business goals with this increasingly popular, globally recognized resource.

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    The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning: How to Turn ~ The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning is the gold standard for companies who are serious about increasing the return on their investment in learning and development. Now in its third edition, the book reveals how you, as a training or business leader, can maximize the value created by learning and development programs. This edition has been extensively revised to incorporate new examples and case studies as well as the latest research on effective teaching and learning.

    The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning: How to Turn ~ The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning is the gold standard for companies who are serious about increasing the return on their investment in learning and development. Now in its third edition, the book reveals how you, as a training or business leader, can maximize the value created by learning and development programs. This edition has been extensively revised to incorporate new examples and case studies as well as the latest research on effective teaching and learning.

    THE SIX DISCIPLINES OF BREAKTHROUGH LEARNING ~ 22 The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning to work when you are back to work. The next twelve weeks are actually the most important part of the process.” Coming from the CFO of a $25 billion global corporation, it’s a clear and unambiguous message that learning needs to be converted into action.

    The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning: How to Turn ~ The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning presents an innovative approach that accelerates the transfer and application of corporate learning. The Six Disciplines provides the definitive road map and tools for optimizing the business impact of leadership and management training, sales, quality, performance improvement, and individual development programs. This important book presents the .

    Ebook Download: The Six Disciplines Of Breakthrough ~ Title: Ebook Download: The Six Disciplines Of Breakthrough Learning How To Turn Training And PDF Books Author: pdfsmiles Subject: Ebook Download: The Six Disciplines Of Breakthrough Learning How To Turn Training And Development Into Business Results English Edition Ebook EditionGreat ebook you must read is The Six Disciplines Of Breakthrough Learning How To Turn Training And Development .

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    The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning ~ “The Six Disciplines of BreakthroughLearning has become the hottest phrase in the T+D field in China. There are even more tools, best practices, and successful cases in the third edition. This book is a roadmap for harnessing synergy of training and business results in organizations.”

    The six disciplines of breakthrough learning : how to turn ~ The six disciplines of breakthrough learning : how to turn training and development into business results Jefferson , Andrew McK , Pollock , Roy V. H. , Wick , Calhoun W "Get real results for your business - maximize your training and development programs Corporate learning and development programs play an undeniable role in successful business endeavors, but only when they're done right.

    The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning: How to Turn ~ The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning describes a proven process for maximizing the value of training and development that has been used by organizations large and small across industries and around the world. The authors tackle head-on the "elephant in the room" in learning and development: the amount of "learning scrap"--training that employees attend but never apply. Trainers .

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    The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning: How to Turn ~ The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning presents an innovative approach that accelerates the transfer and application of corporate learning.The Six Disciplines provides the definitive road map and tools for optimizing the business impact of leadership and management training, sales, quality, performance improvement, and individual development programs.

    The 6Ds Company ~ The Six Disciplines (6DsÂŽ) are a proven approach to extracting maximum value from training and development initiatives. Organizations that practice the 6Ds consistently deliver greater business impact. Learning professionals who can implement the 6Ds are in demand. Click here to learn about the 6Ds methodology from the authors.

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    The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning ebook ~ Get real results for your business maximize your training and development programs Corporate learning and development programs play an undeniable role in successful business endeavors, but only when they're done right. The significant revisions in the third edition of The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning add fresh, timely elements to a resource that has become known globally as a .

    The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning ebook ~ Get real results for your business - maximize your training and development programs Corporate learning and development programs play an undeniable role in successful business endeavors, but only when they're done right. The significant revisions in the third edition of The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning add fresh, timely elements to a resource that has become known globally as a .

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