Beschreibung Practicing Organization Development: Leading Transformation and Change (J-B The Practicing Organization Development Series). Get on the cutting edge of organization development Practicing Organization Development: Leading Transformation and Change, Fourth Edition is your newly revised guide to successful organization development. This edition has been updated to explore the cutting edge of change management, leadership development, organizational transformation, and society benefit. These concepts are explored through emerging and increasingly accepted strengths-based approaches such as: appreciative inquiry, emotionally and socially intelligent leadership, positive organization development, and sustainable enterprises. This edition offers both theoretical concepts and guides to practical applications, providing you with the knowledge, techniques, and tools to put organizational development to effective use in the workplace. Organization development is an evolving field focused on understanding and positively impacting the human system processes of groups, teams, organizations, and individual leaders. Thorough organization development results in increased effectiveness, improved health, and overall success. This book shows how to attain positive change by: identifying contemporary themes in organization development, executing organization development approaches, as well as elevating and extending research agenda. This book also illustrates how to influence organizational stakeholders, and how to use this influence to enact key organization development practices. This new edition is enhanced by:* Updated chapter-by-chapter lesson plans, contributor-submitted PowerPoint lesson templates, sample syllabi, and workshop agendas* Revised sample exercises, a test bank, and additional case studies* Expanded online appendices that cover regional organization development concepts from around the globe, as well as overviews of additional special issues Organization development is quickly becoming an important aspect of MBA curricula. Practicing Organization Development: Leading Transformation and Change, Fourth Edition gives graduate and doctorate program participants a comprehensive overview of organization development, the resources to learn the field, and the tools to apply their knowledge.
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