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    Getting Multi-Channel Distribution Right

    Beschreibung Getting Multi-Channel Distribution Right. Getting Multi-Channel Distribution Right provides a comprehensive treatment of modern distribution strategy that is analytically solid, clearly written, and relevant for managers as well as MBA and executive MBA students, and the professors who train them. It covers concepts, metrics, tools, and strategic frameworks for managing distribution in physical and digital channels. Focusing on the challenges of managing multiple channels of distribution in an evolving marketplace--rather than the process of designing a distribution channel from scratch--it leans more heavily on metrics and tools and incorporates perspectives from academic research, as well as in-depth case studies from marketing and general management practice.* Introduces an organizing framework of pull and push marketing for how suppliers work together with their channel partners.* Integrates across physical and digital, independent and company-owned, routes to market.* Maps the functions of traditional and newer intermediaries in the channel ecosystem and identifies the root causes of conflict between them.* Provides tools and frameworks for how much distribution coverage is required and where.* Shows how product line, pricing, trade promotions, and other channel incentives can help to coordinate multiple channels and manage conflict.* Illustrates how push and pull metrics can be combined into valuable dashboards for identifying positive feedback opportunities and sustaining the channel partnership. With the help of Getting Multi-Channel Distribution Right you'll discover how to successfully develop, execute, and adapt distribution strategy to the evolving marketplace.

    Buch Getting Multi-Channel Distribution Right PDF ePub

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    Wiley Getting Multi-Channel Distribution Right 978-1-119 ~ Getting Multi-Channel Distribution Right Kusum L. Ailawadi, Paul W. Farris Hardcover 978-1-119-63288-7 April 2020 $45.00 DESCRIPTION Getting Multi-Channel Distribution Right provides a comprehensive treatment of modern distribution strategy that is analytically solid, clearly written, and relevant for managers as well as MBA and executive MBA students, and the professors who train them. It .

    Getting Multi-Channel Distribution Right: Ailawadi, Kusum ~ Getting Multi-Channel Distribution Right provides a comprehensive treatment of modern distribution strategy that is analytically solid, clearly written, and relevant for managers as well as MBA and executive MBA students, and the professors who train them. It covers concepts, metrics, tools, and strategic frameworks for managing distribution in physical and digital channels.

    Full E-book Getting Multi-Channel Distribution Right Best ~ It presents metrics, tools, and frameworks with the goal of helping suppliers select the right type and intensity of physical and online distribution coverage. Finally, Part III focuses on aligning the marketing mix to manage distribution on an ongoing basis. It covers decisions about product line, pricing, promotion, and other pull and push activities that can be used, in the language of .

    Getting Multi-Channel Distribution Right ~ Getting Multi-Channel Distribution Right provides a comprehensive treatment of modern distribution strategy that is analytically solid, clearly written, and relevant for managers as well as MBA and executive MBA students, and the professors who train them. It covers concepts, metrics, tools, and strategic frameworks for managing distribution in physical and digital channels.

    Full version Getting Multi-Channel Distribution Right ~ It presents metrics, tools, and frameworks with the goal of helping suppliers select the right type and intensity of physical and online distribution coverage. Finally, Part III focuses on aligning the marketing mix to manage distribution on an ongoing basis. It covers decisions about product line, pricing, promotion, and other pull and push activities that can be used, in the language of .

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