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    Digital Marketing: A Practical Approach

    Beschreibung Digital Marketing: A Practical Approach. As in the previous editions of this book, whilst strategic issues are included where appropriate, by concentrating on the operational and functional aspects of this dynamic subject, Digital Marketing: A Practical Approach provides a step-by-step guide to implementing the key aspects of online marketing. Similarly, although primarily aimed at an academic market, the practical – rather than purely theoretical – nature of the book means that it will be equally useful in both training and self-learning scenarios.After reading this book - and completing the exercises within it - the reader will be equipped to undertake any digital marketing role within a variety of organizations. The practical case-study exercises - based on theory and recognized good practice - will ensure that readers will be able to analyse situations within the work place, identify the most appropriate course of action and implement the strategies and tactics that will help the organization meet its online objectives.A key aspect to this digital marketing book is the use of a number of bespoke case studies that are designed to make clear how the impact of each online application varies between organizations and markets. For each section of every chapter there is a case study question that is pertinent to that subject - though readers are welcome to switch case studies for each question if they so wish, or even substitute their own organization. This makes the book an excellent text for work-based learning programmes such as Degree Apprenticeships.As the subject has evolved in recent years, so too has the structure of the third edition of this book. The book is now in two distinct parts. Part I considers the environment in which digital marketing is practised, digital buyer behaviourand has a chapter that includes sections covering strategic digital issues such as content marketing,attribution, influencers and digital marketing objectives. Part II replicates the successful structure of the first two editions of the book by having chaptersdevoted to the key elements of operational digital marketing. Essential updates made necessary byboth technology and consumer behaviour are made to all elements, but specifically to programmaticadvertising and marketing on social media. There is also the addition of a chapter devoted to e-metricsand online analytics. Online support and subject updates that both complement and enhance eachchapter’s content can be found on the author’s website at AlanCharlesworth.com/DigitalMarketing.

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    Digital Marketing: A Practical Approach - Charlesworth ~ Digital Marketing: A Practical Approach 2 nd Edition is a step-by-step guide to marketing using the Internet. Concentrating on the operational and functional aspects of this dynamic subject, the book is packed with tactical advice and real-life examples from those leading the field to help you succeed.

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    Digital marketing: a practical approach / Alan ~ Digital marketing: a practical approach Alan Charlesworth As in the previous editions of this book, whilst strategic issues are included where appropriate, by concentrating on the operational and functional aspects of this dynamic subject, Digital Marketing: A Practical Approach provides a step-by-step guide to implementing the key aspects of online marketing.

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