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    Business to Business Marketing Management: A Global Perspective

    Beschreibung Business to Business Marketing Management: A Global Perspective. Business to business markets are considerably more challenging than consumer markets and as such demand a more specific skillset from marketers. Buyers, with a responsibility to their company and specialist product knowledge, are more demanding than the average consumer. Given that the products themselves may be highly complex, this often requires a sophisticated buyer to understand them.Increasingly, B2B relationships are conducted within a global context. However all textbooks are region-specific despite this growing move towards global business relationships – except this one. This textbook takes a global viewpoint, with the help of an international author team and cases from across the globe. Other unique features of this insightful study include:placement of B2B in a strategic marketing setting; full discussion of strategy in a global setting including hypercompetition; full chapter on ethics and CSR early in the text; and detailed review of global B2B services marketing, trade shows, and market research.This new edition has been fully revised and updated with a full set of brand new case studies and features expanded sections on digital issues, CRM, and social media as well as personal selling. More selective, shorter, and easier to read than other B2B textbooks, this is ideal for introduction to B2B and shorter courses. Yet, it is comprehensive enough to cover all the aspects of B2B marketing any marketer needs, be they students or practitioners looking to improve their knowledge.

    Buch Business to Business Marketing Management: A Global Perspective PDF ePub

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