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    The Origins of Ethical Failures: Lessons for Leaders

    Beschreibung The Origins of Ethical Failures: Lessons for Leaders. In 2001, as a young university graduate, Dennis Gentilin became a member of a FX trading desk at one of AustraliaĀ’s largest banks, the National Australia Bank. In the years that followed the desk became involved in a trading scandal that resulted in the resignation of the chairman and CEO, the upheaval of the board of directors, significant financial loss, and incalculable reputational damage. It was in this environment that the true meaning of business ethics was revealed to Gentilin.In this ground breaking book, Gentilin draws on both his personal experience and the emerging literature in the various disciplines of psychology to provide a very unique insight into the origins of ethical failures. The intellectual depth Gentilin provides coupled with his real life reflections make this book a must read for senior leaders, regulators, consultants, students and practitioners.Amongst other things, the book highlights the shortcomings associated with the traditional approaches used to explain and address ethical failures and illustrates how easily we can all, individuals and organisations alike, be complicit to unethical conduct. More importantly, it provides lessons and guidance to all leaders who aspire to build institutions that are more resilient to ethical failure.

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    The Origins of Ethical Failures: Lessons for Leaders - 1st ~ In this ground breaking book, Gentilin draws on both his personal experience and the emerging literature in the various disciplines of psychology to provide a very unique insight into the origins of ethical failures. The intellectual depth Gentilin provides coupled with his real life reflections make this book a must read for senior leaders, regulators, consultants, students and practitioners.

    The Origins of Ethical Failures: Lessons for Leaders eBook ~ Dennisā€™s primary motivation for writing The Origins of Ethical Failures is to educate. He hopes that the lessons herein will be valuable to all leaders, and illustrate the central role they play in creating institutions that are more resilient to unethical conduct. But in addition, Dennis hopes the book will play a role in continuing the push we have seen in recent times that looks to make .

    The Origins of Ethical Failures: : Gentilin ~ The Origins of Ethical Failures: Lessons for Leaders and over 8 million other books are available for Kindle . Learn more. Business, Finance & Law ā€ŗ Management ā€ŗ Management Skills Share. Buy New. Ā£27.50. RRP: Ā£32.99; You Save: Ā£5.49 (17%) FREE Delivery. In stock. Available as a Kindle eBook. Kindle eBooks can be read on any device with the free Kindle app. Dispatched from and .

    The origins of ethical failures : lessons for leaders ~ Get this from a library! The origins of ethical failures : lessons for leaders. [Dennis Gentilin]

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    Ethics and Leadership Effectiveness ~ Ethics and Leadership Effectiveness Joanne B. Ciulla T he moral triumphs and failures of leaders carry a greater weight and volume than those of nonleaders (Ciulla, 2003b). In leadership we see morality magnified, and that is why the study of ethics is fundamental to our understanding of leadership. The study of ethics is about human relationships. It is about what we should do and what we .

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    ETHICS AND MORALITY Basic Ethical Concepts E ~ their origin and meaning. Other fields of in-quiry are e.g. whether morality exists inde-pendently of humans, and the underlying mental basis of human judgements and con-duct. 3. Normative ethics means the methodolo-gical reflection upon morality tackling its cri-tique and its rationale. Norms and standards for acting and conduct are being set up or to-re down, and argued for or against. When .

    Ethics Quotes (1373 quotes) - Goodreads ~ 1373 quotes have been tagged as ethics: Elie Wiesel: ā€˜There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when .