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    Market-Based Management: Pearson New International Edition

    Beschreibung Market-Based Management: Pearson New International Edition. For courses in marketing management or marketing strategy. A focus on how marketing performance, profitability, and strategies affect profit. Measuring performance and profitability in marketing is becoming more and more important in the business world. Best focuses on marketing performance, and profitability, and the role marketing strategies play in building the profits of a business. This edition further builds on the metrics and analytics focus, while incorporating the rise of technology in marketing.

    Buch Market-Based Management: Pearson New International Edition PDF ePub

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    Market-Based Management: Pearson New International Edition ~ Market-Based Management: Pearson New International Edition / Best, Roger / ISBN: 9781292020396 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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    Best, Market-Based Management, 6th Edition / Pearson ~ Market-Based Management, 6th Edition. NEW! Show the importance of the numbers behind the strategy: Updated Metrics and Analytics Coverage. New and updated sections appear throughout this edition highlighting the importance of metrics and analytics, including:

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