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    Beschreibung INVENTORY MANAGEMENT AND PURCHASING: TALES AND TECHNIQUES FROM THE AUTOMOTIVE AFTERMARKET. This book is a practical guide toinventory management for wholesale distributors and stores that supply "hardgoods".¿ It deals with merchandiseclassification and selection, forecasting, safety stocks, replenishmentpurchasing, promotions, forward buying, stock adjustments, and supply chaintopics.It includes many formulas andover 50 tables and charts that cover all areas of inventory management.¿ Industry data and examples from the author'sauto parts distribution company and other automotive aftermarket firmsillustrate each topic.¿¿ Many of theformulas are from IBM, JDA, and other inventory management software packages,and are reprinted with their permission.¿All of these techniques were used to manage inventories in the author'scompany for more than 20 years.The automotive aftermarket dealswith hundreds of thousands of different items and a very high service levelrequirement, so these techniques should cover a wide range of hard goodsdistribution.The book also has many anecdotesand case histories to illustrate the key points.¿ It offers a valuable blend of strong, provenmathematical techniques and real life examples and experiences.


    Inventory Management and Purchasing Tales and Techniques ~ Inventory Management and Purchasing Tales and Techniques From the Automotive Aftermarket

    INVENTORY MANAGEMENT AND PURCHASING: TALES AND TECHNIQUES ~ Many of theformulas are from IBM, JDA, and other inventory management software packages,and are reprinted with their permission.¿All of these techniques were used to manage inventories in the author'scompany for more than 20 years.The automotive aftermarket dealswith hundreds of thousands of different items and a very high service levelrequirement, so these techniques should cover a wide .

    Inventory Management and Purchasing : Tales and Techniques ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Inventory Management and Purchasing : Tales and Techniques from the Automotive Aftermarket by Pete Kornafel (2004, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

    INVENTORY MANAGEMENT AND PURCHASING TALES AND TECHNIQUES ~ inventory management and purchasing tales and techniques from the automotive aftermarket. free download ebook inventory management and purchasing tales and techniques from the automotive aftermarket at here.

    Inventory Management and Purchasing : Tales and Techniques ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Inventory Management and Purchasing : Tales and Techniques from the Automotive Aftermarket by Pete Kornafel (2004, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

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