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    The Greatest Salesbook in the World: A Compilation of the Greatest Sales Presentations, Sales Scripts, Telemarketing Scripts, Rebuttals, Mailers, Refe

    Beschreibung The Greatest Salesbook in the World: A Compilation of the Greatest Sales Presentations, Sales Scripts, Telemarketing Scripts, Rebuttals, Mailers, Refe. Over $2.2 Billion Dollars in Gross sales have been generated using the systems & material in this book. The material contained in this book has been used by many industries around the country and is the Greatest Sales Presentations & Scripts in the world. The Scripts & Systems can be converted to any industry along with any product or service. It doesn't matter if you are a seasoned sales veteran or just getting started in sales, this book could be worth $ millions of dollars to you!

    Buch The Greatest Salesbook in the World: A Compilation of the Greatest Sales Presentations, Sales Scripts, Telemarketing Scripts, Rebuttals, Mailers, Refe PDF ePub

    The Greatest Salesbook in the World: A Compilation of the ~ The Greatest Salesbook in the World: A Compilation of the Greatest Sales Presentations, Sales Scripts, Telemarketing Scripts, Rebuttals, Mailers, Refe by Oliver P. Maldonado (2004-09-29) / Oliver P. Maldonado / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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