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Picker's Bible: How to Pick Antiques Like the Pros ~ The Picker's Bible provides great tips on where and how to find antiques for the best price. A fun and quick read, the book explains the ins and outs of negotiating price, things to avoid, secrets to success, and how to do it all better than the other guy. There is hidden treasure out there . . .
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Picker's Pocket Guide - Signs: How to Pick Antiques Like a ~ Picker's Pocket Guide - SIGNS: How to Pick Antiques Like a Pro packs 208 full-color pages with tips, tricks, and strategy on how to collect and sell vintage advertising signs. Illustrated with more than 150 color photos and steeped in history, the handy pocket-sized guide offers professional and practical advice on where to look for advertising signs, what you need to know to buy intelligently .
Picker's Pocket Guide - Toys: How to Pick Antiques Like a ~ Picker's Pocket Guide - TOYS: How to Pick Antiques Like a Pro packs 208 full-color pages with tips, tricks, and strategy on how to collect and sell vintage toys from the last 100+ years. Illustrated with more than 150 color photos and steeped in insider facts, the handy pocket-sized guide offers professional and practical advice on where to look for toys on the cheap, what you need to know to .
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