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    Highly Competitive Warehouse Management (International Edition): An Action Plan for Best-in-Class Performance

    Beschreibung Highly Competitive Warehouse Management (International Edition): An Action Plan for Best-in-Class Performance. Why do some distribution centers have excellent performance while others struggle? Highly Competitive Warehouse Management unravels the secrets of those best-in-class operations and shows how they create a competitive advantage for their companies. With the accompanying Warehouse Maturity Scan, distribution center and supply chain management will have a tool to analyze the current state of their operations. Based on these results, the author provides a systematic yet flexible action plan for improvement, which involves human behavior, process redesign, warehouse management systems and supply chain alignment. These materials, along with case studies, detailed examples and thought provoking questions will move your facility to best-in-class performance. Van den Berg has shown clearly, with many practical examples, how to apply contemporary management tools to warehouse management. Dr Robert S. Kaplan, Professor Harvard Business School and co-developer of Balanced Scorecard and time-driven activity-based costing. In two years time, Highly Competitive Warehouse Management changed our distribution center frombunderdog to top dog in the Air Force supply chain. Major Peter van Winkel, Project Manager, Ministry of Defense, The Netherlands Jeroen van den Berg forcibly shows that warehouse management – often underestimated in value –is central to achieving high operational and financial performance for most contemporary enterprises. Dr John Gattorna, Author of Dynamic Supply Chains and Adjunct Professor, Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Australia

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