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    The Small Army Strategy: A Guide for Turning Fans and Followers into Fanatics and Friends for Life

    Beschreibung The Small Army Strategy: A Guide for Turning Fans and Followers into Fanatics and Friends for Life. We've entered a fierce battle for attention. You won't be the next Tim Ferriss, Seth Godin or Chris Brogan. The world doesn't need more copycats. It needs you to be you. The only way you've got a shot at winning this war for attention is to give all yours to the few that matter. The most important people in the world are the ones who show up for you. Take such good care of them that they have no choice, but to recruit a small army. That's what this is about. It's about building an army, no matter how small that will show up and fight with you every single day to win whatever battles your fighting. You could be battling the demons of depression, career catastrophes, or the loss of love. This is about about building an army that will help you fight those battles and much more. This book isn't about how to get more traffic or increase the number of subscribers to your blog. Those things are potential byproducts , but not the goal. The goal is to treasure and nurture the attention you already have.

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    The Small Army Strategy: A Guide for Turning Fans and ~ The Small Army Strategy: A Guide for Turning Fans and Followers into Fanatics and Friends for Life [Rao, Srinivas] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Small Army Strategy: A Guide for Turning Fans and Followers into Fanatics and Friends for Life

    The Small Army Strategy: A Guide for Turning Fans and ~ The Small Army Strategy: A Guide for Turning Fans and Followers into Fanatics and Friends for Life - Kindle edition by Rao, Srinivas. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Small Army Strategy: A Guide for Turning Fans and Followers into Fanatics and Friends for Life.

    The Small Army Strategy: A Guide for Turning Fans and ~ Start by marking “The Small Army Strategy: A Guide for Turning Fans and Followers into Fanatics and Friends for Life” as Want to Read: . A Guide for Turning Fans and Followers into Fanatics and Friends for Life by. Srinivas Rao (Goodreads Author) 3.65 · Rating details · 95 ratings · 5 reviews Get A Copy . Kindle Unlimited $0.00 ; Stores Libraries; Or buy for $2.99 Kindle Edition .

    The Small Army Strategy: A Guide for Turning Fans and ~ Mar 6, 2013 - The Small Army Strategy: A Guide for Turning Fans and Followers into Fanatics and Friends for Life - Kindle edition by Rao, Srinivas. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Small Army Strategy: A Guide for Turning Fans and Followers into Fanatics and Friends for Life.

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