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    Retail Coaching: How to boost KPI's with Emotions

    Beschreibung Retail Coaching: How to boost KPI's with Emotions. HOW TO BOOST KPI'S WITH EMOTION • What if sales assistants arrive at the store with the same driving spirit than Rafael Nadal enters a tennis court? • What if managers could actually coach their team towards their best level in KPI’s and consumer experience? • This book offers top coaching, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and management techniques to increase performance in retail. - Do customers ever leave your store without buying anything even though you thought you'd convinced them, without understanding why? - Have you ever felt you were badly served as a customer and said to yourself: "If only I was the boss here..."? - Would you like to communicate effectively with each of the customers in your hypermarket, even though you can't talk to them one-to-one like your father used to do? - Have you ever thought that things don't have the same importance for your staff as they have for you? - Have you ever felt that all the training programs for your staff, in which you have invested so much, have not really shown tangible results? - Do you sometimes wish you could tell an employee off but are afraid you might do it wrong and end up saying nothing or else blurt something out in an aggressive and unproductive way? - Do you admire the coach of your football team and wish you could lead your staff with the same effectiveness that he chalks up victories? - Are you looking for a career change and would like to move from being an employee to being a store or franchise owner, but don't dare make the leap? I began to sell when I was 16 years old in my home town, Vannes, in Brittany, France and I was immediately hooked by retail sales. Over the past twenty years I have worked in many stores on various continents. I have worked behind the counter, managing retail chains, opening franchises, sold to the large retail sector on behalf of the manufacturer, even worked on weekend promoter at hypermarkets! This book is a summary a method to sell more more and better in stores and acocmpany each sales persons towards their best level. Benoit Mahé is a Founder Partner of CapKelenn Retail Coaching. Executive MBA from Instituto de Empresa (Madrid) and graduated from Reims Business School (France). Benoit has a 20 years’ experience in Retail and is a certified Coach by the ICF (International Coach Federation), Master Practionner in NLP and member of the Global Speakers Federation. With his team he covers the 5 continents.

    Buch Retail Coaching: How to boost KPI's with Emotions PDF ePub

    Retail Coaching: How to boost KPI's with Emotions: MahĂ© ~ HOW TO BOOST KPI'S WITH EMOTION ‱ What if sales assistants arrive at the store with the same driving spirit than Rafael Nadal enters a tennis court? ‱ What if managers could actually coach their team towards their best level in KPI’s and consumer experience? ‱ This book offers top coaching, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and management techniques to increase performance in retail .

    Retail Coaching: How to boost KPI's with Emotions Kindle ~ Retail Coaching: How to boost KPI's with Emotions - Kindle edition by Mahé, Benoit, Huido, Viviane. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Retail Coaching: How to boost KPI's with Emotions.

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    : Customer reviews: Retail Coaching: How to ~ Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Retail Coaching: How to boost KPI's with Emotions at . Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.

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