Beschreibung How To Sell A Lobster 2nd Edition. How To Sell A Lobster A Psychological Journey Into The Marketplace Of The Mind Do you want to attract more high-quality prospects? Do you want to make bigger sales and dramatically increase your income while working less hard? If so, read How To Sell A Lobster to learn the psychological marketing secrets of a street-wise entrepreneur. Join marketing coach Bill Bishop and his eccentric mentor Marketing Mike on a psychological journey into the marketplace of the human mind. How To Sell A Lobster presents a series of parables about challenging business problems and how to solve them with easy-to-use psychological techniques. Discover how the author packaged a BIG Idea to sell 1,400 lobsters in a waiter contest. Find out how to use The Line-Up technique to attract more prospects. Learn how to make bigger sales using The Three Boxes strategy, and how to increase your profit margins by packaging your $5 Cup of Coffee. A quick and fun read, How To Sell A Lobster has captivated the imagination of entrepreneurs and salespeople around the world. More than 1 million copies have been sold in 25 countries in 12 languages. Now it’s your turn to start selling more lobsters.
How to Sell a Lobster: The Money-Making Secrets of a ~ How to Sell a Lobster is a quick and often humourous read that dispenses with theory and gets to the point quickly. Time starved business owners who are looking for a no-nonsense, intuitive approach to marketing their company will find what they want here.
How to Sell a Lobster: Bishop, Bill: 9780973107319: ~ How To Sell A Lobster is a marketing parable. The stories are simple and I found myself reciting them to colleagues as possible solutions to their problems. It is simple enough to be remembered, which for me makes it more effective than a standard marketing textbook.
How To Sell A Lobster: The Money-making Secrets of a ~ How To Sell A Lobster is a marketing parable. The stories are simple and I found myself reciting them to colleagues as possible solutions to their problems. It is simple enough to be remembered, which for me makes it more effective than a standard marketing textbook.
How to Sell a Lobster Summary at - WikiSummaries ~ Chapter 1: How to sell a lobster. As a waiter, we are encouraged to do suggestive selling, but it does not always work. Most people are sales oriented: create a product/service, bang on doors, give sales pitch and hope for the best. Sales is to knock on the door and try for a sale, marekting is when customers knock on your door asking for the sale. The problem comes when you are trying to hard .
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Lobster (Fernsehserie) â Wikipedia ~ Lobster ist eine 6-teilige Kriminalserie, die ab dem 25. Februar 1976 in 14-tĂ€glichem Abstand im Abendprogramm der ARD erstausgestrahlt wurde. Produziert wurde sie von der Bavaria Atelier GmbH.
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