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    80/20 Internet Lead Generation: How a Few Simple, Profitable Strategies Can Lead to Marketplace Domination

    Beschreibung 80/20 Internet Lead Generation: How a Few Simple, Profitable Strategies Can Lead to Marketplace Domination. According to author and marketing expert Scott Dennison, business leaders from coast-to-coast told him the most important result they wanted from their advertising and marketing was to make the phone ring more often – to get calls from prospects interested in the products and services they’re selling. This book was the result. It will provide you with a simple, step-by-step process to follow, so you can build the pieces you’ll need to create an effective online lead generation campaign in your business and make that phone ring: • Clarity about exactly who your ideal client is • Your business USP (Unique Selling Proposition) • A process for effective keyword generation/targeting • Professional landing pages for PPC lead generation • A well-designed Website, built for lead conversion/generation • Great content, properly optimized for search (one part of SEO) • Professional back-link campaigns (the other part of SEO) With a foreword written by Perry Marshall, best-selling author of "80/20 Sales and Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Working Less and Making More," Scott A. Dennison’s 80/20 Internet Lead Generation guides the reader to successful lead generation, following the strategic approach championed by his mentor as it specifically applies to generating more business leads online.

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    80/20 Internet Lead Generation - PDF Free Download - Fox eBook ~ 80/20 Internet Lead Generation: How a Few Simple, Profitable Strategies Can Lead to Marketplace Domination. According to author and marketing expert Scott Dennison, business leaders from coast-to-coast told him the most important result they wanted from their advertising and marketing was to make the phone ring more often – to get calls from prospects interested in the products and services .

    80/20 Internet Lead Generation: How a Few Simple ~ : 80/20 Internet Lead Generation: How a Few Simple, Profitable Strategies Can Lead to Marketplace Domination eBook: Dennison, Scott A.: Kindle Store

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