Beschreibung How to Write a Sizzling Synopsis: A Step-by-Step System for Enticing New Readers, Selling More Fiction, and Making Your Books Sound Good. Struggling to find new readers? Learn how a compelling synopsis can make your book fly off the digital shelves! Do you hate writing blurbs? Do you wish there was an easier way to summarize your novel and get more sales in the process? Author and copywriter Bryan Cohen’s book descriptions have hit both the Kindle Store’s Top 50 and the USA Today Bestseller list. Let him show you exactly how to craft the copy you need to hook new readers. After writing hundreds of book descriptions for other authors and helping thousands with informative training, Bryan has learned what all the best book synopses have in common. Through easy-to-follow tips and helpful examples in a variety of genres, How to Write a Sizzling Synopsis gives you the tools you need to get a steady stream of online book browsers to click the Buy button every single day.In this book, you’ll discover:How to simplify your plot to create a short, engaging synopsisWhy using certain words can make customers fall in love with your storyHow to shed unnecessary subplots and make writing your blurb a joy instead of a choreThe step-by-step system for writing and editing your synopsis for rhythm, momentum, and clarityWhy you need a synopsis cliffhanger, and much, much more!Finally, you no longer have to take on the challenge of copywriting alone. With a more intriguing synopsis in place, all your future promotions, ads, and marketing campaigns can perform significantly better. You want more readers to buy your books, and Bryan’s system is a great way to make it a reality.If you like detailed writing guides, plenty of examples, and a touch of humor, then you’ll love Bryan Cohen’s look behind the scenes at how he creates copy that sells.Buy How to Write a Sizzling Synopsis today to get new readers excited to buy your books!
How to Write a Sizzling Synopsis: A Step-by-Step System ~ How to Write a Sizzling Synopsis: A Step-by-Step System for Enticing New Readers, Selling More Fiction, and Making Your Books Sound Good (English Edition) eBook: Cohen, Bryan: : Kindle-Shop
Bryan Cohen - ~ How to Write a Sizzling Synopsis: A Step-by-Step System for Enticing New Readers, Selling More Fiction, and Making Your Books Sound Good (English Edition) 09.07.2016 von Bryan Cohen
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How to Write a Synopsis - Writing-World ~ Now I hate writing synopses because they are much more difficult to write than the novel ever was. It's not easy distilling 100,000-odd words into a few pages. But it's important. The synopsis is the most important part of your submission package and, as such, it has to be developed and sweated over and polished with the same attention you devoted to the novel itself. Along with the cover .
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