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    The DNA Selling Method: (from Great Moments in History Book 2)

    Beschreibung The DNA Selling Method: (from Great Moments in History Book 2). What do Julius Caesar's conquest of Gaul, Watson and Crick's discover of the DNA double helix, and Joshua Chamberlain's call for bayonets at the Battle of Gettysburg have in common? They're all included in Patrick Henry Hansen's The DNASelling Method, where these compelling moments in history are used to teach modern selling principles.Readers will learn how to improve questioning and listening skills, objection management and effective closing strategy, and a systematic approach to prevent traditional "Show Up, Throw Up" behaviors. With each chapter prefaced by a captivating historical event, The DNASelling Method both informs and entertains.

    Buch The DNA Selling Method: (from Great Moments in History Book 2) PDF ePub

    The DNA Selling Method: Strategies for Modern-day Sales ~ So I ordered his book on the DNA Selling Method with is the keystone to his program. His writing style is easy to follow and he uses examples from history to illustrate his points. This series is very unique in that it is written for the sales person but has tips for sales manager as well. _ I strongly recommend the series to any sales person that is new, or just needs to sharpen their saw. Kenley

    : Customer reviews: The DNA Selling Method (From ~ The DNA Selling Method is part of a series by PHH; which appears to fall somewhere after " Power Prospecting" . Meaning, you should get all books in the series. It would be nice, if there was one book combining all aspects of the process on how you get to the initial " " cold calling / prospecting stage, to follow-up with the client afterwards. A gold-mine would include alternate scenarios to .

    The DNA Selling Method : Strategies for Modern-Day Sales ~ Book is in Like New / near Mint Condition. Will include dust jacket if it originally came with one. Text will be unmarked and pages crisp. Satisfaction is guaranteed with every order. DNA SELLING METHOD: STRATEGIES FOR MODERN-DAY SALES PEOPLE IN FROM GREAT MOMENTS IN HISTORY SERIES By Patrick Henry Hansen **Mint Condition**. See details - DNA SELLING METHOD: STRATEGIES FOR MODERN-DAY SALES .

    Sales-Side Negotiation: Negotiation Strategies for Modern ~ Patrick Henry Hansen is the author of four best-selling books: Power Prospecting, The DNA Selling Method, Winning Sales Presentations and Sales-Side Negotiation. His books have sold over 50,000 copies in more than 21 countries.Prior to starting Patrick Henry International, he was a sales representative, manager, and executive. As an executive for multiple technology companies, he introduced .

    Sales-Side Negotiation: Negotiation Strategies for Modern ~ The Dna Selling Method: (From Great Moments in History Book 2) (2) by Patrick Henry Hansen Paperback $14.95 Only 3 left in stock - order soon. Ships from and sold by .

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