Beschreibung Flight Plan: The Real Secret of Success. You have the ability, right now, to accomplish more than you ever have before. In this powerful, practical book, Brian Tracy uses the metaphor of an airplane trip to help you chart a course to greater achievement, happiness, and personal fulfillment. Life is a journey, and as with any other journey you need clear goals, plans, and schedules to get from where you are now to where you want to be. Like any good pilot, you need a flight plan that you file before you begin and that you use to guide you on your way. In twelve fast-moving chapters, you’ll learn how to: Determine exactly who you are and what you want in every area Select a clear, measurable goal or destination to focus on Create detailed plans of action that guarantee your success Develop the unshakable self-confidence you need to take off Stay on course—persisting through the inevitable setbacks, detours, and turbulence—until you arrive at your destination When you follow Brian Tracy’s Flight Plan, the sky is the limit!
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