Beschreibung The Inventor's Bible: How to Market and License Your Brilliant Ideas Revised (Inventor's Bible: How to Market & License Your Brilliant Ideas). You've just invented a new technology, a must-have product. So what now? Patent it? Manufacture it? Sell it? If you're like most would-be Edisons, chances are your stroke of genius will collect dust waiting for you to plot your next move. Fear not, intrepid creator—inventor and author Ronald Louis Docie Sr. shares more than 20 years of valuable insight in this revised and expanded edition of THE INVENTOR'S BIBLE, which now includes a workbook to help you take your ideas from concept to profit. With everything you need to know about marketing, licensing, and selling your invention, this comprehensive handbook will also help you figure out what your invention is worth, which companies might want your ideas, and what steps to take first. You dreamt it, you created it, and it actually works—let THE INVENTOR'S BIBLE pave the way to your first million. Revised and expanded guidebook to protecting, patenting, marketing, and selling inventions. New 64-page pullout workbook walks inventors through each step of the process. Explains how to save thousands of dollars in patent costs. Download the Patent and New Product Marketing Workbook PDF here.Reviews“The book offers an easy-to-understand process for licensing an invention and covers all the necessary steps, from patenting to negotiating a licensing agreement.”—Entrepreneur“Inventor Ronald Docie uses real case studies to tell everything you need to know to market, license, and sell inventions.”—Fort Worth Star–Telegram“[Docie] has written the book on being inventive.”—Country Living Magazine “This is the definitive book on product licensing for the independent inventor!” —Ed Zimmer, The Entrepreneur Network“This remarkable and useful book is also a pleasure to read. Inventors who read THE INVENTOR'S BIBLE and follow its step-by-step instructions can now more easily reap the rewards of their own ingenuity. A must for inventors.”—Hugh Downs, Network news anchor“[A] primer for beginners and a detailed overview for experienced inventors. [The] book makes it easy to research the market, develop a strategy, and take ideas from concept to profit in record time.”—New Equipment Digest“Solid, personal and authentic.”—Miami Herald“Glean advice from the experts and save valuable time and money by accessing the information, tips, and resources listed in this comprehensive inventor's guide.”—HOMEBusiness Journal“Docie presents a refreshingly frank approach to invention development, protection, and marketing. His advice on 'tiered risk' alone may save inventors—both neophytes and seasoned—thousands of dollars as well as invaluable time. His book is a must for the desk of every serious inventor.”—Jack Lander, President, United Inventors Association and VP, Yankee Invention Exposition and Yankee Entrepreneur Workshops“I can recommend THE INVENTOR'S BIBLE without reservation as a most valuable resource for the independent inventor who is looking to develop and bring an invention to market. . . . clearly reflects in-depth and long-time experience in the field of invention development and marketing. It is well written, very readable, and quite thorough in describing what needs to be done by the independent inventor . . . to successfully get an invention into the marketplace. The 'how-to' aspects of THE INVENTOR'S BIBLE are extraordinarily detailed.”—George Lewett, former Director of Technology Evaluation and Assessment, U.S. Department of Commerce“Rarely does a book come along that provides an accurate and thorough explanation of the invention process. The real life stories and quotes not only provide for interesting reading, but also adequately warn inventors of potential pitfalls commonly encountered. I unconditionally recommend to all inventors and businesses.”—Michael S. Neustel, Patent Attorney and Director, National Inventor Fraud Center“Ron has outdone himself! In my opinion THE INVENTOR'S BIBLE can be considered the good book for inventors. What you have here is an excellent guide with rock-solid information that will definitely steer inventors on the right course. But it's also intertwined with Ron's personal experiences, which will help inventors be more realistic. Whether you're thinking of inventing or are already a professional in the inventing field, Ron's book is easy to read and he covers a lot of territory very well. Chock full of information, tips, words of wisdom, and resources, will teach, prod, and motivate readers.”—Stephen Paul Gnass, President/Executive Director, National Congress of Inventor Organizations and Founder, Invention Convention® trade show and“THE INVENTOR'S BIBLE takes readers from Genesis through Revelation in the convoluted world of inventing. This is the book that every inventor needs to read. Ron's been there and done that, and now he shares his expertise. Before spending a dime on patents or services, get this book.”—Ed Sobey, Ph.D., President, Northwest Invention Center“I've been an inventor for over 30 years and I believe this book could have saved me much time and heartbreak had I read it when I was beginning my invention career. Please read it and take notes! It is a God send!”—Stanley I. Mason, Inventor of granola bars and disposable diapers, and holder of 55 patents“THE INVENTOR'S BIBLE is an excellent collection of practical information useful to all inventors, based on the author's personal, extensive experience. The text is not presented from a legal viewpoint but rather follows essentially a business and financial path, which an inventor who hopes to be financially successful should consider.”—Don Banner, former Commissioner of the U.S. Patents and Trademark Office“Inventors should add THE INVENTOR'S BIBLE to their bookshelves immediately, but be certain to keep it within easy reach. This book is a powerful compilation of useful advice from one who's already been down the rocky road to invention commercialization. Ron Docie has a lot of experience to share, and he does so in an organized fashion.”—Don Kelly, CEO Academy of Applied Science, Inc.“A must-read book for every independent inventor. His book helps bridge the gap between creativity and marketability, addressing such vital questions as commercialization, market and industry research, and assembling the type of help that can make an invention a profitable reality.”—
The Inventor's Bible, Fourth Edition: How to Market and ~ : The Inventor's Bible, Fourth Edition: How to Market and License Your Brilliant Ideas (9781607749271): Docie Sr., Ronald Louis: Books
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About For Books Inventor s Bible: How to Market and ~ The definitive guide for inventors, newly updated with the latest patenting laws, information on crowdfunding, and online resources. The path to success is clearer than it s ever been! Thanks to experienced inventor Ronald Docie, the process of commercializing your invention and receiving royalties is no longer complicated."The Inventor s Bible"is an in-depth how-to manual for both beginners .
The Inventor's Bible: How to Market and License Your ~ Fear not, intrepid creator-successful inventor and author Ronald Docie shares more than 20 years of valuable insight and experience in THE INVENTOR'S BIBLE, a guide to taking your ideas from concept to profit in record time. Using real case studies as examples, this definitive handbook tells you everything you need to know about marketing, licensing, or selling your invention: how to figure .
Full E-book The Inventor's Bible, Fourth Edition: How to ~ Thanks to experienced inventor Ronald Docie, the process of commercializing your invention and receiving royalties is no longer complicated.?The Inventor's Bible?is an in-depth how-to manual for both beginners and skilled entrepreneurs alike that helps you develop a realistic, workable plan, research your market, target potential business partners, and strike a good deal for your inventions .
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