Beschreibung Topgrading for Sales: World-Class Methods to Interview, Hire, and Coach Top SalesRepresentatives. A concise extension of the business classic Topgrading, targeted to sales managers Brad Smart?s Topgrading has sold more than 150,000 copies since 1999, making it the definitive book for executives who want to hire, coach, and retain top talent. Now Smart has teamed up with Greg Alexander, who used Topgrading to radically improve his sales force at EMC. In Topgrading for Sales, they have boiled down the key Topgrading ideas to a pithy 112 pages while focusing on the unique needs of sales managers and sales directors. Great sales forces don?t just depend on strategies? they depend on hiring the best possible reps. But surveys show that about half of all hires and promotions put an underqualified person in the wrong job. No wonder the average tenure for sales managers is only nineteen months. Topgrading for Sales takes the guesswork out of hiring by teaching readers how to interview systematically for A-level talent instead of relying on hunches and prejudices. It also shows how to coach B-level reps to turn them into A-players and how to weed out C-players before they do too much damage.
Topgrading for Sales: World-Class Methods to Interview ~ Topgrading for Sales: World-Class Methods to Interview, Hire, and Coach Top SalesRepresentatives / Bradford D. Smart Ph.D., Greg Alexander / ISBN: 9781591842064 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Topgrading for Sales: World-Class Methods to Interview ~ Topgrading for Sales: World-Class Methods to Interview, Hire, and Coach Top SalesRepresentatives (English Edition) eBook: Smart Ph.D., Bradford D., Alexander, Greg .
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Topgrading for Sales: World-Class Methods to Interview ~ Topgrading for Sales: World-Class Methods to Interview, Hire, and Coach Top SalesRepresentatives - Ebook written by Bradford D. Smart Ph.D., Greg Alexander. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Topgrading for Sales: World-Class Methods to Interview, Hire, and Coach Top .
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Topgrading For Sales Worldclass Methods To Interview Hire ~ world class methods to interview hire and coach top salesrepresentatives Topgrading For Sales World Class Methods To Interview topgrading for sales world class methods to in a concise extension of the business classic topgrading targeted to sales managers brad smarts topgrading has sold more than 150000 copies since 1999 making it the definitive book for executives who want to hire coach and .
Topgrading for Sales: World-Class Methods to Interview ~ Topgrading for Sales: World-Class Methods to Interview, Hire, and Coach Top SalesRepresentatives - Kindle edition by Smart Ph.D., Bradford D., Alexander, Greg. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Topgrading for Sales: World-Class Methods to Interview, Hire, and Coach Top .
Topgrading for Sales: World-Class Methods to Interview ~ Topgrading for Sales: World-Class Methods to Interview, Hire, and Coach Top SalesRepresentatives by Bradford D. Smart Ph.D. Greg Alexander(2008-06-19) / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Topgrading for Sales: World-Class Methods to Interview ~ Topgrading for Sales: World-Class Methods to Interview, Hire, and Coach Top SalesRepresentatives: Smart Ph.D., Bradford D., Alexander, Greg: 9781591842064: Books .
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