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    Dealstorming: The Secret Weapon That Can Solve Your Toughest Sales Challenges

    Beschreibung Dealstorming: The Secret Weapon That Can Solve Your Toughest Sales Challenges. Sales genius is a team sport. As a B2B sales leader, you know that by Murphy’s Law, despite your team's best efforts, some deals will inevitably get stuck or key relationships will go sour. And too often, it's the most important ones—the last thing you need when millions of dollars are on the line.  "Dealstorming" is Tim Sanders’s term for a structured, scalable, repeatable process that can break through any sales deadlock.  He calls it “a Swiss Army knife for today’s toughest sales challenges.” It fixes the broken parts of the brainstorming process and reinvigorates account management for today's increasingly complicated sales environment. Dealstorming drives sales innovation by combining the wisdom and creativity of everyone who has a stake in the sale. You may think you are applying teamwork to your challenges, but don't be so sure. There's a good chance you're operating inside a sales silo, not building a truly collaborative team across your whole company. The more disciplines you bring into the process,  the more unlikely (but effective!) solutions the team can come up with.   Sanders explains his seven-step Dealstorming process and shows how it has helped drive results for companies as diverse as Yahoo!, CareerBuilder, Regus, and Condé Nast.  You'll learn how to get the right team on board for a new dealstorm, relative to the size of the sales opportunity and its degree of difficulty. The key is adding people from non-sales areas of your company, making them collaborators early in the process. That will help them own the execution and delivery after the deal is done. The book includes real world examples from major companies like Oracle and Skillsoft, along with problem finding exercises, innovation templates, and implementation strategies you can apply to your unique situation. It's based on Sanders' many years as a sales executive and consultant, personally leading dozens of sales collaboration projects. It also features the results of interviews with nearly two hundred B2B sales leaders at companies such as LinkedIn, Altera and Novell.  The strategies laid out in Dealstorming have led to a stunning 70% average closing ratio for teams across all major industries, leading to game-changing deals and long-term B2B relationships. Now you can learn how to make dealstorming work for you.

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    Dealstorming: The Secret Weapon That Will Solve Your ~ Dealstorming: The Secret Weapon That Will Solve Your Toughest Sales Challenges. Dealstorming is a proven process that can break through almost any sales deadlock through collaboration. It innovates the brainstorming process and reimagines account management for today’s increasingly complicated sales environment.

    Dealstorming: The Secret Weapon That Can Solve Your ~ Dealstorming: The Secret Weapon That Can Solve Your Toughest Sales Challenges (English Edition) eBook: Tim Sanders: : Kindle-Shop

    Dealstorming: The Secret Weapon That Can Solve Your ~ Dealstorming drives sales innovation by combining the wisdom and creativity of everyone who has a stake in the sale. You may think you are applying teamwork to your challenges, but don't be so sure. There's a good chance you're operating inside a sales silo, not building a truly collaborative team across your whole company. The more disciplines you bring into the process, the more unlikely .

    Dealstorming: The Secret Weapon That Can Solve Your ~ DEALSTORMING: THE SECRET WEAPON THAT CAN SOLVE YOUR TOUGHEST SALES CHALLENGES (HARDBACK) book. Download PDF Dealstorming: The Secret Weapon That Can Solve Your Toughest Sales Challenges (Hardback) Authored by Tim Sanders Released at 2016 Filesize: 1.14 MB Reviews A very amazing book with lucid and perfect explanations. I have got read through .

    Download Book // Dealstorming: The Secret Weapon That Can ~ DEALSTORMING: THE SECRET WEAPON THAT CAN SOLVE YOUR TOUGHEST SALES CHALLENGES (HARDBACK) book. Download PDF Dealstorming: The Secret Weapon That Can Solve Your Toughest Sales Challenges (Hardback) Authored by Tim Sanders Released at 2016 Filesize: 7.46 MB Reviews Unquestionably, this is the finest function by any article writer. I have read and .

    Dealstorming: The Secret Weapon That Can Solve Your ~ "Dealstorming" is Tim Sanders’s term for a structured, scalable, repeatable process that can break through any sales deadlock. He calls it “a Swiss Army knife for today’s toughest sales challenges.” It fixes the broken parts of the brainstorming process and reinvigorates account management for today's increasingly complicated sales environment.

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