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    How to Make Your Advertising Make Money

    Beschreibung How to Make Your Advertising Make Money. How to Make Your Advertising Make Money by John Caples In this remarkable reference, John Caples, a man who has won countless awards and made millions of dollars for some of the largest companies in the United States, draws upon more than 50 years of experience to show you how to write advertising copy that sells anything and everything... write headlines that command instant attention...save thousands of dollars in expenses each year...and much more. Containing hundreds of true stories, checklists, and guidelines, this sourcebook is for every copywriter, creative director, and business executive who wants to learn how to write copy that sells-from the master who most say did it better than anyone. You'll get: 1. Secrets of Successful Advertising 2. Twelve Ways to Find Advertising Ideas 3. Three Famous Case Histories 4. How to Get Ideas from Brainstorming 5. 303 Words and Phrases that Sell 6. How to Write Sentences that Sell 7. Sales Appeals that Last Forever 8. How to Write Headlines that Make Money 9. How to Use Stories to Sell Products 10. Tips on Copywriting 11. How Editorial Style Ads Can Bring Increased Sales 12. How to Write Sales Letters that Make Money 13. How Direct Response Can Help Advertisers Make Money 14. Ways to Improve Your Copy 15. How to Write Radio Commercials that Get Action 16. How to Apply Mail Order Know-How in Writing TV Commercials 17. Summing Up My Success Secrets I Have Learned in 50 Years Meet the Author John Caples was Vice President of BBDO, Inc. when he retired after 40 years of service with the nation's third largest advertising agency. The creator of such classic ads as "They Laughed When I Sat Down at the Piano" and "They Grinned When the Waiter Spoke to Me in French," and a member of the Copywriters's Halls of Fame, Mr. Caples built a nationwide reputation for his research and scientific methods of testing advertising effectiveness.

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    How to Make Your Advertising Make Money - Caples, John ~ How to Make Your Advertising Make Money / Caples, John / ISBN: 9781607964612 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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    How to Make Your Advertising Make Money: Caples, John ~ How to Make Your Advertising Make Money by John Caples . In this remarkable reference, John Caples, a man who has won countless awards and made millions of dollars for some of the largest companies in the United States, draws upon more than 50 years of experience to show you how to write advertising copy that sells anything and everything. write headlines that command instant attention .

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