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    Ask for the Moon and Get It

    Beschreibung Ask for the Moon and Get It. Are you looking for answers on how to be successful? Have you ever considered that the way to success lies not in knowing all the answers, but in asking the right questions? As a young man from humble beginnings, Percy Ross vowed that if ever he became successful he would use his knowledge to help others. In fact, he became a multi-millionaire and for the past 20 years has been giving away money to those who need it - and who have asked him for it. Full of personal anecdotes and tried and tested advice, this book reveals the secrets of his success, including: the ten basic rules of the art of asking; how to prepare a good case before you ask; making sure you ask the right person; how to encourage others to contribute to your success; and how to help other people achieve success.

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    Ask for the moon--and get it! : the secret to getting what ~ Get this from a library! Ask for the moon--and get it! : the secret to getting what you want by knowing how to ask. [Percy Ross; Dick Samson]

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    Ask for the Moon and Get It - Kogan ~ Buy Ask for the Moon and Get It from Kogan. Are you looking for answers on how to be successful? Have you ever considered that the way to success lies not in knowing all the answers, but in asking the right questions? As a young man from humble beginnings, Percy Ross vowed that if ever he became successful he would use his knowledge to help others.

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