Beschreibung MR. PRODUCT, VOL 2: The Graphic Art of Advertising's Magnificent Mascots 1960-1985. In More Mr. Product, readers meet advertising characters of the 1960s, ’70s, and beyond, completing the story so artfully introduced in Meet Mr. Product. This vibrant, colorful tribute to pop culture treats readers to icons such as Cap’n Crunch, Goofy Grape, and Chokey the Smog Dog, as well as hundreds of rare and little-known characters that surprise even the most avid collectors of advertising ephemera. Citing more than 30 significant historical events and their influence on design, this clever compendium of commercial art profiles the origins of the characters in popular culture. It also offers fascinating insights on the evolution of commercial design. Far-out faces and a host of expertly curated characters fill More Mr. Product’s pages, making this the ultimate trove for designers, illustrators, and pop culture fanatics alike.
Mr. Product, Vol 2: The Graphic Art of Advertising's ~ Mr.Product,Vol 2: The Graphic Art of Advertising's Magnificent Mascots 1960-1985 is the second installment of Meet Mr.Product of which I also own. This version has a little more still small in size and as a hardcover with no dust jacket different publisher,same authors. Otherwise great characters and some not so creative,many I am familiar with .
Mr. Product, Vol 2 : The Graphic Art of Advertising's ~ Mr. Product, Vol 2 / More Mr. Product Meet the newest, hippest, grooviest characters of the '60s, '70s, and beyond. Introducing Cap'n Crunch, Goofy Grape, Chokey the Smog Dog, and hundreds of well-known and not-so-well-known personalities of the pop art era.
: Customer reviews: Mr. Product, Vol 2: The ~ Mr.Product,Vol 2: The Graphic Art of Advertising's Magnificent Mascots 1960-1985 is the second installment of Meet Mr.Product of which I also own. This version has a little more still small in size and as a hardcover with no dust jacket different publisher,same authors. Otherwise great characters and some not so creative,many I am familiar with as an 80s kid others I am glad to know now thanks .
Meet Mr. Product: The Art of the Advertising Character ~ MR. PRODUCT, VOL 2: The Graphic Art of Advertising's Magnificent Mascots 1960-1985 WARREN DOTZ. 4,8 von 5 Sternen 21. Gebundene Ausgabe . 16,50 ⏠Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 4 bis 5 Tagen. Weiter. Es wird kein Kindle GerĂ€t benötigt. Laden Sie eine der kostenlosen Kindle Apps herunter und beginnen Sie, Kindle-BĂŒcher auf Ihrem Smartphone, Tablet und Computer zu lesen. Apple. Android .
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