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    Thriving at 50+: The 7 Principles to Reinvent and Rebrand Yourself: The 7 Principles to Rebrand and Reinvent Yourself

    Beschreibung Thriving at 50+: The 7 Principles to Reinvent and Rebrand Yourself: The 7 Principles to Rebrand and Reinvent Yourself. "Everyone will need to face reinvention at some point. Wendy Marx's masterful guide will help you prepare before or after the moment. The title may say 50s but folks of all ages will benefit from her advice."-Sree Sreenivasan, Marshall R. Loeb Professor of Digital Innovation at Stony Brook School of Journalism and former Chief Digital Officer of New York City.At age 50+, when many people confront the challenges of supporting families and saving enough for retirement, rebranding and career reinvention become more important than ever. Thriving at 50+ is branding authority Wendy Marx’s guide on doing just that in a society that isn’t always kind to older people. Providing a framework for rebranding and reinvention, the book reveals how to find purpose and revitalize your career and life for your next act. It also offers the means to confront ageism in the workplace, especially for those who may feel they have nothing left to offer their industry. Told through the stories of people in all walks of life and professions, you’ll discover:* 7 principles to rebrand and reinvent yourself* Resources to help you on your reinvention journey *How to confront ageism in a supposedly enlightened society*Insights and lessons for a more meaningful next actThriving at 50+ speaks to people 50 and over as well as those in their 40s who are looking ahead to the next phase. It’s a primer for those seeking another job or career; a how-to for starting a business or a new way of life.

    Buch Thriving at 50+: The 7 Principles to Reinvent and Rebrand Yourself: The 7 Principles to Rebrand and Reinvent Yourself PDF ePub

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