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    Making-it-Happen: The Ultimate Guide to Selling

    Beschreibung Making-it-Happen: The Ultimate Guide to Selling. How badly do you want to achieve your goals, experience phenomenal success, and live the life that you’ve always wanted? Whether you’re an employee who wants to learn how to be a better sales professional, a CEO who wants to cultivate a strong sales and leadership culture in the workplace, or someone who needs a push to get off the couch and make it happen, then this book is for you! With over 25 years’ experience, Spencer Lodge has personally trained thousands of salespeople within the sales industry and has helped build some of the largest and most successful direct sales forces of our time. In Spencer’s debut book he shares all the industry secrets he’s learnt along the way, and how you too can achieve the life you’ve always wanted. If you’re in the world of sales and you’re serious about taking your career to the next level, then this book will take you there.

    Buch Making-it-Happen: The Ultimate Guide to Selling PDF ePub

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    Making It Happen: The Ultimate Guide to Selling - Spencer ~ Making It Happen: The Ultimate Guide to Selling. I’m grinning from ear to ear as I type this. In case you missed my BIG announcement, on Friday the 28th of September 2018, I released my debut book. And in less than 13 hours, it became a #1 bestseller on ! I still can’t quite believe it! (if you don’t believe me, just look at the screenshot below). In case you want to see what all .

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