Beschreibung A Culture of Predictable Sales: One Sales Manager's Journey. Combining great storytelling with world-class insights, this groundbreaking book shows how a comprehensive sales management system can transform your revenue from mediocre or erratic to strong and predictable.Rolland Mandat finally got promoted to sales manager, after proving himself as a salesman. But now he finds himself in over his head leading the team. Sales are below par, and pressure is mounting to get better results, fast.It's a common problem - great salespeople aren't always naturally great sales managers. It takes a different skill set to manage the sales system and guide a team of free-wheeling individuals. But with the right blueprint, managers and executives can become master sales leaders.With the help of an expert coach, Rolland builds on his knowledge and skills and develops an effective system to get the results his boss expects. Instructional chapters augment the story with key insights and tools from the author's breakthrough Intentional Sales Management system.As you see the principles illustrated that help the intrepid manager succeed, you'll gain the critical insights needed to lead your team to predictable sales.
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