Beschreibung Chutzpah & Chutzpah: Saatchi & Saatchi: The Insiders' Stories. This is the story of the rise and rise of advertising giant Saatchi & Saatchi as it has never been told before. With more than 200 astonishing first-hand accounts from the people who were really there, this is a fascinating insight into a remarkable success story and an unorthodox business. Responsible for generating some of the most memorable and groundbreaking advertising of the last 50 years, Saatchi & Saatchi became infamous in their own right. Made up of maverick thinkers and ingenious talent, they broke rules and won big pitches, attracting the business of some of the world’s most successful companies. For the first time, the extraordinary story of Saatchi & Saatchi’s meteoric rise is told by those instrumental in its success—creatives, account handlers, PAs, and directors—each with their own fascinating stories to tell.
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Chutzpah - A JavaScript Test Runner ~ Chutzpah is an open source JavaScript test runner which enables you to run unit tests using QUnit, Jasmine, Mocha, CoffeeScript and TypeScript. Download latest Pronunciation: hutz·pah
Chutzpah Test Runner Context Menu Extension - Visual ~ Chutzpah: A JavaScript Test Runner. Chutzpah is an open source JavaScript unit test runner which helps you integrate JavaScript unit testing into your website. It enables you to run JavaScript unit tests from the command line and from inside of Visual Studio. It also supports running in the TeamCity continuous integration client. Chutzpah supports both the QUnit, Jasmine and Mocha testing frameworks.
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NuGet Gallery / Chutzpah 4.4.10 ~ Chutzpah is an open source JavaScript test runner which helps you integrate JavaScript unit testing into your website. It enables you to run JavaScript unit tests from the command line and from inside of Visual Studio. It also supports running in the TeamCity continuous integration server. Package Manager. .NET CLI.
GitHub - mmanela/chutzpah: Chutzpah is an open source ~ Chutzpah is an open source JavaScript test runner which enables you to run unit tests using QUnit, Jasmine, Mocha and TypeScript. - mmanela/chutzpah
Chuzpe – Wikipedia ~ Chuzpe [xʊtspə], auch Chutzpe (aus dem jiddischen חוצפה [chùtzpe] von hebräisch חֻצְפָּה [chuzpà] für „Frechheit, Anmaßung, Dreistigkeit, Unverschämtheit“ entlehnt) ist eine Mischung aus zielgerichteter, intelligenter Unverschämtheit, charmanter Penetranz und unwiderstehlicher Dreistigkeit.. Chuzpe im Glossar der Stiftung gegen Rassismus und Antisemitismus
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