Beschreibung From Famine To Feast: Drive Massive Sales Growth With A Proven Recipe For Reaching And Winning Enterprise Clients. Have you ever wished that sales could be methodological, predictable and driven by process rather than luck? After spending too long stumbling from famine to feast and back again, Joel J White developed a sales system to remove luck from the equation. By breaking the sales process into manageable steps and analysing historic data, you too can build a system which turns simple, manageable activities that you fully control into reliable revenue growth. While the system was battle-hardened in enterprise technology, it is applicable to any business that targets big-ticket sales to big companies, and can be used by teams or individual salespeople. Joel J White is a sales leader specialising in selling complex and unique services to global enterprises. With a focus on startups and high growth businesses who have little brand recognition, he has a track record of using activity-based sales systems to break into new markets and rapidly acquire new clients. In his current role he set (and then broke) the record for winning the biggest deal in the company's history, and he has been a top biller in each of the last five years.
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