Beschreibung Fashion & Graphics. Today's fashion brands are relying more and more on packaging and presentation: the brand image is often more important than the product itself. This book explores the graphic imagery and packaging that make fashion sell, putting the spotlight on the graphic designers and art directors who create the brand image -- from the labels inside clothes to the swing tags and shopping bags.At the heart of the book are 25 case studies which investigate the creation of individual fashion brands with analysis of the graphics, from the typography to the colour choices, as well as show invitations, the website, fragrance and cosmetic images. Each case study will examine closely the working realtionships between the fashion and graphic designer. Art directors/fashion labels featured include Fabien Baron's work with Burberry and Armani; Alan Aboud and Paul Smith; Michael Nash and Alexander McQueen/ John Galliano; as well as the in-house graphic teams of Dolce & Gabbana, Stella Mc Cartney, IIssey Miyake, Yohji Yamamoto and Comme des Garçons.
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