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    Introduction to Mobile Advertising

    Beschreibung Introduction to Mobile Advertising. This book explains how to setup and manage mobile advertising marketing programs. Mobile advertising is the communication of messages or media content to one or more potential customers who use mobile devices. According to strategy analytics, the mobile advertising industry will reach $14.4 billion in 2011. In 2007, mobile advertising network AdMob.com was already delivering 1.5 billion mobile ads per month! Mobile advertising is different than other forms of media advertising. Ads can be targeted to very specific types of users, triggered to display at specific times, and have several new real-time interactive options. As a result, mobile ads have a much higher value than other types of advertising. Mobile ad click through rates of 3% to 4% are not uncommon. As with Internet advertising, many people already receive mobile ads but are unaware they have received (and may have responded to) mobile ads. Many mobile ads are small banners and/or text links that share a screen that the user has selected (such as a local movie directory). The types of mobile ads range from fairly simple text links to interactive software programs. Mobile ads have response types that range from text link clicks to launching new software applications. Mobile ad targeting can be performed by using mobile communication channel types that can include mobile communities, download sites, entertainment applications, information services, and specialty portals. The type of mobile ad and the way it operates varies based on the mobile device capabilities. These capabilities include display, media processing, limited amount of memory, and input control functionality. As a result, some guidelines have been created to help ensure the user's experience with mobile ads is reliable and acceptable. Different types of services including short text (SMS), multimedia messages (MMS), WAP, xHTML, or packet data connections may deliver advertising messages. Some of the most important topics featured include: . Types of Mobile Ads . How to Create Mobile Ads . Mobile Ad Networks . Measuring Mobile Ad Performance . Interactive Mobile Ads . Mobile Web Portals . Market Segments for Mobile Ads . Mobile Ad Guidelines . Mobile Ad Network Directory

    Buch Introduction to Mobile Advertising PDF ePub

    Introduction to Advertising / Download book ~ Introduction to Advertising. This note covers the following topics: Integrated Marketing Communication, Classification Of Advertising, Advertising Media, Media Planning, Media Research, Economic and Social Aspects Of Advertising, Regulation and Control on Advertising, Advertising Agency, Planning an Advertising Campaign, Advertising Budget, Creativity in Advertising, Advertising Research.

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