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    The Ultimate Book of Phone Scripts

    Beschreibung The Ultimate Book of Phone Scripts. Are you looking for a way to be more successful selling your products and services over the phone? If you use the phone to cold call, set appointments, follow up with leads or close business, then this book is for you! Packed with over 200 word for word, proven and up to date scripts, the Ultimate Book of Phone scripts will instantly make you more effective as you learn to breeze past gatekeepers, easily connect with decision makers and qualify and close more business over the phone. In it you'll learn: How to establish rapport in under five secondsThe real secrets of cold callingHow to quickly get past gatekeepersHow to get voicemail and email messages returnedProven techniques and scripts to handle brush off objections like, "We're not interested," "Just send your information," and many more.How to overcome 90% of the objections you get when closing like, "We just don't have the budget," and "We looked at it and it's not for us," and many more.Plus bonus sections on how to overcome the top ten objections in Real Estate, Insurance Sales, Mortgage Sales, Ticket Sales and more!If you're ready to double your income selling over the phone the Ultimate Book of Phone Scripts is for you. You'll find it's easy to get past rejection and close more sales once you start these proven scripts!"This book will quickly double and triple your ability to get through to decision makers and make more sales-faster!" - Brian Tracy, Best-selling Author of Eat That Frog"The Ultimate Book of Phone Scripts is an amazing resource. If you need to know what to say in any selling situation, all you have to do is turn to a page, copy down the word for word script, adapt it to your selling style, and in an instant you're a Top 20 producer! - Jeffrey J. Fox, NY Times Best-selling Author of How To Become a Rainmaker"Mike Brooks has nailed it! Scripts don't tie your hands, they free you up to take control of the potentially-slippery phone sale. It doesn't matter if it's a product sale or getting a commitment for an appointment, preplanned questions help you take control and get your potential clients talking--telling you what they'll own. Read this book and you'll win more sales!" - Tom Hopkins, Author of How to Master the Artof Selling"Mike Brooks nails it! The Ultimate Book of Phone Scripts is absolutely the best guide for selling over the phone that has ever been written. This book gives you everything you need to double your income today!"- Jeb Blount, Author of People Buy You

    Buch The Ultimate Book of Phone Scripts PDF ePub

    The Ultimate Book of Phone Scripts: Brooks, Mike ~ "The Ultimate Book of Phone Scripts is an amazing resource. If you need to know what to say in any selling situation, all you have to do is turn to a page, copy down the word for word script, adapt it to your selling style, and in an instant you're a Top 20 producer! -

    The Ultimate Book of Phone Scripts / Mr. Inside Sales ~ The Ultimate Book of Phone Scripts The Essential Scripts on Cold Calling, Closing, and Overcoming Objections Mike’s bestselling book of phone scripts gives you the essential skills and winning techniques to help you breeze past gatekeepers, establish rapport with decision makers and close more sales. What you’ll learn in The Ultimate Book of Phone Scripts: […]

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