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    Sales Dogs: You Don't Have to be an Attack Dog to Explode Your Income (Rich Dad's Advisors (Paperback))

    Beschreibung Sales Dogs: You Don't Have to be an Attack Dog to Explode Your Income (Rich Dad's Advisors (Paperback)). The number one skill for any entrepreneur or business owner is the ability to sell. Why? Because sales = income. Yet, many fail financially not because they do not have great ideas or even good work ethic, but typically because they don’t know how to, refuse to, are afraid to, or don’t think it is important to know how to sell. SalesDogs was written as the very first of the Rich Dad Poor Dad “how-to” Advisory series to teach in a very fun and impactful way how to overcome the fears, the myths and the obstacles to selling your products, services or yourself. It then teaches a simple, time-proven process of selling that will generate great income in most any business. The reader will learn the five most important selling skills to master, how to overcome any objection, manage a territory and much more.The book quickly de-bunks the idea that you have to be an overly aggressive “attack dog” to be successful. It uses the metaphor of “man’s best friend” to say that a great sales person is like a loyal, persistent and lovable canine. It stipulates that there are five different “breeds” or personalities of SalesDogs that can each make a lot of money by playing to its strength. You will learn how to identify, maximize and train to that strength and also how to teach others on your team to do the same.While the book is fun and engaging, it also dives deep into the personal development issues that block a person’s ability to generate income and how to overcome them. The book is perfect for first time salespeople, individuals who are uncomfortable with the notion of “selling”, those who need to train others to sell and those who want to simply get better quicker.

    Buch Sales Dogs: You Don't Have to be an Attack Dog to Explode Your Income (Rich Dad's Advisors (Paperback)) PDF ePub

    Rich Dad Advisor's Series¼: SalesDogs: You Do Not Have to ~ Sales Dogs: You Don't Have to be an Attack Dog to Explode . RICH DADS ADVISOR TAX FREE -2E (Rich Dad Advisors) Tom Wheelwright. 4,7 von 5 Sternen 285. Taschenbuch. 17,89 € Run Your Own Corporation: How to Legally Operate and Properly Maintain Your Company Into the Future (The Rich Dad Advisor Series) Garrett Sutton. 4,6 von 5 Sternen 56. Taschenbuch. 18,49 € Little Voice Mastery Blair .

    Sales Dogs You Dont Have To Be An Attack Dog To Explode ~ Sales Dogs You Dont Have To Be An Attack Dog To Explode Your Income Rich Dads Advisors Author: learncabg.ctsnet-Luca Wurfel-2020-08-31-10-17-00 Subject: Sales Dogs You Dont Have To Be An Attack Dog To Explode Your Income Rich Dads Advisors Keywords

    Sales Dogs You Dont Have To Be An Attack Dog To Explode ~ Sales Dogs You Dont Have To Be An Attack Dog To Explode Your Income Rich Dads Advisors Author: media.ctsnet-Marcel Urner-2020-09-20-18-28-34 Subject: Sales Dogs You Dont Have To Be An Attack Dog To Explode Your Income Rich Dads Advisors Keywords

    Sales Dogs : Sales Dogs: You do not have to be an attack ~ Sales Dogs: You Don't Have to be an Attack Dog to Explode Your Income (Ri - GOOD. $9.17. Free shipping . Sales Dogs: You Don't Have to be an Attack Dog to Explode Your Incom - VERY GOOD. $9.84. Free shipping . Sales Dogs: You Don't Have to be an Attack Dog to Explode Your Income [Rich Dad' $8.16. Free shipping . Rich Dad Advisors Series: SalesDogs: You Do Not Have to Be an Attack Dog to B. $4 .

    Sales Dogs ~ As a Rich Dad Advisor to Robert Kiyosaki, a . You Don’t Have to Be an Attack Dog to Explode Your Income. The #1 skill for any entrepreneur or business owner is the ability to sell. Why? Because sales = income. Yet, many fail financially not because they do not have great ideas or even good work ethic, but typically because they don’t know how to, refuse to, are afraid to, or don’t .

    Little Voice Mastery: : Blair Singer: BĂŒcher ~ Sales Dogs: You Don't Have to be an Attack Dog to Explode Your Income . Sales Dogs: You Don't Have to be an Attack Dog to Explode Your Income (Rich Dad's Advisors (Paperback)) Blair Singer. 4,1 von 5 Sternen 57. Taschenbuch. 16,68 € Die 4-Stunden-Woche: Mehr Zeit, mehr Geld, mehr Leben Timothy Ferriss. 4,3 von 5 Sternen 726. Taschenbuch. 11,00 € Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook .

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    Little Voice Mastery: How to Win the War Between Your Ears ~ Sales Dogs: You Don't Have to be an Attack Dog to Explode Your Income (Rich Dad's Advisors (Paperback)) Blair Singer. 4,3 von 5 Sternen 83. Taschenbuch . 16,68 € So denken MillionĂ€re: Die Beziehung zwischen Ihrem Kopf und Ihrem Kontostand T. Harv Eker. 4,4 von 5 Sternen 293. Taschenbuch. 9,99 € The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8AM Hal Elrod. 4,5 von 5 .

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