Beschreibung Principles of Chartering: Third Edition. Chartering describes the process by which a ship is leased for the transportation of goods. Knowledge of this complex, multifaceted field is vital for anyone seeking success in the shipping industry. In this third edition of Principles of Chartering,shipping and maritime economics expert Photis M. Panayides, PhD, offers a revised and updated version of his seminal work on chartering contracts. Beginning with an introduction of the concept of chartering and how it applies to various types of ships, cargo, and trade routes, Panayides goes on to explore all aspects of chartering, including charterparties, shipbroking, bills of lading, voyage and time chartering, and more. Panayides offers a comprehensive overview of chartering principles, supported by real-life examples of orders, offers, and negotiations. Key points are addressed in plain language, while a glossary of over 1,300 chartering terms helps readers quickly understand chartering terminology and abbreviation. In this new edition, Panayides expands and updates his previous exploration of voyage estimation principles while referring to more than seventy legal cases that influenced current commercial chartering practices. Principles of Chartering provides the information you need to succeed in commercial shipping, all in an easy-to-access format.
Shipbroking and Chartering Practice (Lloyd's Practical ~ New to this edition: Enriched with practical examples covering crucial aspects of chartering and shipbroking business, such as voyage estimations, freight conversions and tanker calculations. New material on day-to-day laytime principles, including "Laytime Definitions for Charterparties 2013", associated commentary and relevant examples.
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shipbroking and chartering practice lloyds practical ~ Principles Of Shipbroking Chartering the program balances academic rigor with practical experience in order to serve the needs of tomorrows ship managers in the most effective ways participants will gain solid foundations of ship management maritime economics ship technology chartering maritime law insurance risk and strategic management which are particularly relevant for companies in this .
Shipbroking And Chartering Practice [EPUB] ~ etc l gorton a sandevarn isbn 9781850442561 kostenloser versand fur alle bucher mit versand und verkauf now in its eighth edition this classic text is a first point of reference for anyone looking to obtain an understanding of chartering and shipbroking practice it provides hands on commercially focused explanations of chartering business and invaluable advice on how the shipping market .
10+ Shipbroking And Chartering Practice Lloyds Practical ~ Pdf Shipbroking And Chartering Practice 8th Edition series lloyds practical shipping guides now in its eighth edition this classic text is a first point of reference for anyone looking to obtain an understanding of chartering and shipbroking Lloyds Practical Shipping Guides Shipbroking And new to this editionenriched with practical examples covering crucial aspects of chartering and .
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