Beschreibung What's Working Now?: YOU-centric Marketing. What’s Working Now in the world of digital marketing?It’s a commonly asked question, regardless of the industry that you are in, the size of the market, competition, whether you’re a start-up or an established brand given the digital marketing environment has undergone a massive amount of change over the past 5-10 years alone. The good news is there is much that is working now in the digital marketing landscape. It just takes a shift in focus, perspective and a willingness to forge your own unique path, and leave the copycats behind. Are you ready to hear more? Good, because there is much more to share.In the age of an ever-evolving, rapidly changing and expanding world of digital marketing, this timely, relevant and brilliantly simple marketing book answers the question that all marketers need answered: What’s Working Now? As every market continues to bust at the seams with more products than consumers can buy, and with seemingly little apparent differences between products in the eyes of the consumer, this marketing book explains how your brand can cut through the growing market noise. It lays out a clear blueprint on how to truly connect with customers to grow your business. Based on decades of hands-on experience from seasoned marketer, Shahla Hebets, What’s Working Now? examines the modifications in consumer behavior and the fundamental mindset shift that today’s brands need to make to be effective. It teaches brands to break free of the brand-centric messaging that feels all too familiar, and non-distinct, in the eyes of the often-overwhelmed consumer. Instead, Hebets emphasizes why a YOU-centric marketing (your-customer centric) approach is essential for success. Exploring the strategies, tactics and digital platforms recommended to build and drive a YOU-centric philosophy, the impact of this approach is rooted in real life examples from companies of varying sizes and is showcased through the hugely prosperous brands utilizing a YOU-centric approach and winning.A must read for any brand looking to improve revenue outcomes, this marketing book reveals the humble yet painful truth to marketers that their customers don’t care about their brand, they care about themselves. It then follows with the guidance and applicable principles for executives and business owners to distinguish themselves in the hearts and minds of their customers while engaging in cutting-edge marketing. A go-to resource for the future of marketing, it gives every company the advantage of treating their customer the way they want to be treated to establish long-term engagement and loyalty.
Whatâs Working Now? YOU-Centric Marketing / A Digital ~ Whatâs Working Now is not a business book, it is a hand book for marketing in 2019. I found the book very refreshing. It is written by a real person with real marketing experience for other business people to put the material to immediate use. In contrast to other business books, 98% of this book contains tangible information you can use. Itâs not a thesis or the result of a decade long .
What's Working Now? You-Centric Marketing - Book by Shahla ~ A YOU-centric approach works because it flips the switch away from the brand and moves the focus to your customer. It makes marketing effective by making it feel personal, welcomed. It concentrates on what really matters to your business: Your customer. It reminds us that in the day of the âselfie,â the customer doesnât have time to care about your brand. Theyâre focused on themselves .
Full E-book What's Working Now?: YOU-centric Marketing For ~ What's Working Now in the world of digital marketing?It's a commonly asked question, regardless of the industry that you are in, the size of the market, competition, whether you're a start-up or an established brand given the digital marketing environment has undergone a massive amount of change over the past 5-10 years alone.The good news is there is much that is working now in the digital .
Shahla Hebets: What's Working Now? YOU-centric Marketing ~ And she takes that with her everywhere she goes Sheâs the author of the book whatâs working now you centric marketing and also the founder of think media. Sheâs been featured in Yahoo Finance, e commerce times, but new food economy and brand experience magazine just to name a few as a branding expert, of course. Now, if thatâs not good enough, thatâs quite sexy on it is sheâs .
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