Beschreibung Distribution Strategy: The BESTX® Method for Sustainably Managing Networks and Channels (Management for Professionals). This unique book helps business executives to improve their company's business performance by showing how to build an effective and future-proof distribution channel, and adopt effective commercial policies and value-based pricing strategies.For the first time, an ex-McKinsey consultant and general manager reveals the methodology adopted by successful Fortune 100 multinationals, offering readers a concise, informative and pragmatic guide to the core principles, with an abundance of concrete examples and visual frameworks.Every good business manager needs to have a microscope on one eye and a telescope on the other eye – this practical, easy to follow book, anchored in solid analytic principles, allows for fast and solid transitions between diagnosis, long-term strategic thinking, and short-term execution.Bruno Barcelos, General Manager Sandoz, a Novartis Company
Distribution Strategy - The BESTX® Method for Sustainably ~ The BESTX® Method for Sustainably Managing Networks and Channels. Authors: Moretti, . there is a dearth of practical advice on how firms can build an effective distribution Channel management. Livio has leveraged his wealth of experience to create a compelling book which will help leaders and their organizations to design and execute state-of-the-art Go-to-Market Channel strategy.” (Paddy .
Distribution Strategy: The BESTX® Method for Sustainably ~ Distribution Strategy: The BESTX® Method for Sustainably Managing Networks and Channels (Management for Professionals) / Moretti, Livio / ISBN: 9783319919584 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Distribution Strategy: The BESTX® Method for Sustainably ~ Distribution Strategy: The BESTX® Method for Sustainably Managing Networks and Channels (Management for Professionals) [Moretti, Livio] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Distribution Strategy: The BESTX® Method for Sustainably Managing Networks and Channels (Management for Professionals)
Distribution Strategy / SpringerLink ~ The BESTX® Method for Sustainably Managing Networks and Channels. Authors (view affiliations) Livio Moretti ; Book. 6.2k Downloads; Part of the Management for Professionals book series (MANAGPROF) Log in to check access. Buy eBook. USD 59.99 Instant download; Readable on all devices; Own it forever; Local sales tax included if applicable; Buy Physical Book Learn about institutional .
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