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    Handbook of Intercultural Communication and Cooperation: Basics and Areas of Application

    Beschreibung Handbook of Intercultural Communication and Cooperation: Basics and Areas of Application. Intercultural competence and collaboration with individuals from diverse national origins are today important skills. This handbook comprehends an overall strategic concept for interculturality in corporations. The ability to communicate with people from diverse cultural backgrounds is becoming increasingly important. Many employers consider intercultural competence to be a key criterion for selecting qualified candidates. The authors discuss practical approaches for intercultural trainings, methodology, and evaluation procedures based on current research. They explore the intercultural factor within corporations particularly as it relates to human resource development, negotiating, dealing with conflict, and project management. Thoughts on developing an overall strategy for interculturality round off this handbook.

    Buch Handbook of Intercultural Communication and Cooperation: Basics and Areas of Application PDF ePub

    Handbook of Intercultural Communication and Cooperation ~ Handbook of Intercultural Communication and Cooperation Many employers consider intercultural competence to be a key criterion for selecting qualified candidates. The authors discuss practical approaches for designing and conducting intercultural trainings, methodology, and evaluation procedures based on current research.

    Handbook of Intercultural Communication and Cooperation ~ Handbook of Intercultural Communication and Cooperation: Basics and Areas of Application / Alexander Thomas, Eva-Ulrike Kinast, Sylvia Schroll-Machl / ISBN: 9783525403273 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Handbook of Intercultural Communication and Cooperation ~ eBook Shop: Handbook of Intercultural Communication and Cooperation von Alexander Thomas als Download. Jetzt eBook herunterladen & mit Ihrem Tablet oder eBook Reader lesen.

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    Handbook of Intercultural Communication and Cooperation ~ Handbook of Intercultural Communication and Cooperation: Basics and Areas of Application: Kinast, Eva-Ulrike, SchrollMachl, Sylvia, Thomas, Alexander, Weston-Horsmann .

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