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    Obey the Giant: Life in the Image World

    Beschreibung Obey the Giant: Life in the Image World. in the 21st century, commerce and culture are ever more closely entwined. This collection of essays by design critic Rick Poynor takes a searching look at visual culture to discover the reality beneath the ultra-seductive surfaces. Poynor explores the thinking behind the emerging resistance to commercial rhetoric among designers, and offers critical insights into the changing dialogue between advertising and design. Other essays address the topics of visual journalism; brands as religion; the new solipsism; graphic memes; the pleasures of imperfect design; and the poverty of "cool". The worldwide dominance of huge corporations is invariably expressed by visual means. This book challenges this mono-culture critically. It offers inspirational evidence of alternative ways of engaging with design, and it will appeal to any reader with a questioning interest in design, advertising, cultural studies, media studies, and the visual arts.

    Buch Obey the Giant: Life in the Image World PDF ePub

    Obey the giant : life in the image world (Book, 2001 ~ Obey the giant : life in the image world. [Rick Poynor] Home. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. Search. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or Search WorldCat. Find items in libraries near you .

    Sergei Sviatchenko: Collages: : Rick Poynor ~ Seine Publikationen umfassen Obey the Giant: Life in the Image World (2001), No More Rules: Graphic Design and Postmodernism (2003), und Jan van Toorn: Critical Practice (2008). Poynor ist Gastdozent am Royal College of Art in London mit dem Schwerpunkt Critical Writing in Art & Design. Kundenrezensionen. 5 Sterne (0%) 0% 4 Sterne (0%) 0% 3 Sterne (0%) 0% 2 Sterne (0%) 0% 1 Stern (0%) 0% Wie .

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    : Customer reviews: Obey the Giant: Life in the ~ Obey the Giant: Life in the Image World â€ș Customer reviews; Customer reviews. 5.0 out of 5 stars. 2. 5.0 out of 5 stars. 5 star: 100%: 4 star 4 star (0%) 0%: 3 star 3 star (0%) 0%: 2 star 2 star (0%) 0%: 1 star 1 star (0%) 0%: Obey the Giant: Life in the Image World. by Rick Poyner. Format: Paperback Change. Write a review. See All Buying Options. Add to Wish List. Search. Sort by. Top rated .

    Obey the Giant Quotes by Rick Poyner - Goodreads ~ Obey the Giant: Life in the Image World by Rick Poyner 61 ratings, 4.21 average rating, 3 reviews Obey the Giant Quotes Showing 1-1 of 1 “it's hard to talk sensibly with giants - their massive heads tend to get lost in the clouds”


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