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    Introduction to Programmatic Advertising

    Beschreibung Introduction to Programmatic Advertising. ***** New book "Data in Digital Advertising" now also available! ***** Programmatic advertising is the most exciting thing that happened in marketing in a long time – perhaps since the advent of mass advertising itself. This book offers the first comprehensive introduction to the world of programmatic advertising. If you are new to this revolutionary technology, it will help you get quickly up to speed. The book is intentionally relatively short and dense, so it can be read over a weekend – and then kept on your desk for reference. Here's a quick overview: Chapter one outlines the basic technologies enabling programmatic advertising – such as cookies, pixels, banner ads, or ad exchanges. Chapter two introduces the programmatic ecosystem and its various players, including publishers, advertisers, SSPs, DSPs, DMPs, agency trading desks, and the most important industry bodies. Chapter three is dedicated to programmatic ad trading, with special attention given to the real-time bidding (RTB) auction, role of the Deal ID, and publisher prioritization including header bidding. Chapter four is all about data and ad targeting. Retargeting and various prospecting tactics are covered, including contextual targeting, behavioral targeting, and look-a-like modeling. Chapter five expands the scope of this book into mobile. Mobile cookies, cross-device identification solutions, or location data are covered here. Chapter six offers an overview of the current issues discussed across the digital ad industry – including fraud, viewability, attribution, ad blocking, or privacy. Chapter seven is about new formats available programmatically, such as rich media, video, or native. It also covers new programmatic channels including TV, audio or print.

    Buch Introduction to Programmatic Advertising PDF ePub

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    Programmatic Advertising / SpringerLink ~ Introduction. This fundamental guide on programmatic advertising explains in detail how automated, data-driven advertising really works in practice and how the right adoption leads to a competitive advantage for advertisers, agencies and media. The new way of planning, steering and measuring marketing may still appear complex and threatening but promising at once to most decision makers. This .

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    Programmatic Advertising – Das sollten Werbetreibende wissen ~ Programmatic Advertising weist für Werbetreibende ein großes Potenzial auf, da die Ausspielung der Werbeanzeigen automatisiert erfolgt. Das verschafft Advertisern eine große Zeitersparnis und ermöglicht eine sehr effektive Anzeigenschaltung. Allerdings ist diese Form des Marketings nicht automatisch für jedes Unternehmen geeignet, da ein gewisses Budget erforderlich ist. Zudem ist für .

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    Full E-book Introduction to Programmatic Advertising For ~ The book is intentionally relatively short and dense, so it can be read over a weekend - and then kept on your desk for reference.Here's a quick overview: Chapter one outlines the basic technologies enabling programmatic advertising - such as cookies, pixels, banner ads, or ad exchanges.Chapter two introduces the programmatic ecosystem and its various players, including publishers, advertisers .