Beschreibung Sales and Distribution Management: An Indian Perspective (Response Books). Though India has become a lucrative market for various companies, the unique characteristics of its market throw up a variety of challenges. Sales and Distribution Management: An Indian Perspective aims to understand these challenges.Building on an understanding of the consumer decision process, the book defines the roles of marketing and selling strategies. Secondly adopting a customer-centric approach to sales and distribution management, the book deals with making strategic decisions keeping the end consumer in mind and making operational decisions keeping the channel member and the sales force in focus. It highlights the importance of behavioural transactions in completing a sale and also discusses the service orientation required for selling different products.With its unique approach, generalized frameworks, elaborate research and extensive data analysis, this book will be of immense value to sales and distribution professionals of the Indian corporate sector and marketing departments of national and multinational companies in India. It is a highly recommended reading for students and teachers in Indian business schools studying Sales Management and Distribution Management.
Sales and Distribution Management: An Indian Perspective ~ Though India has become a lucrative market for various companies, the unique characteristics of its market throw up a variety of challenges. Sales and Distribution Management: An Indian Perspective aims to understand these challenges. Building on an understanding of the consumer decision process, the book defines the roles of marketing and selling strategies.
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